Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 17 {365 project}

April 22
 Sunday soccer.  His tongue is always out while he's running.

April 23
 Lila woke up sad so she got to hang out with us for a bit.  She was looking at Brendan's bird book with some crazy girl eyes.  She's always so funny when she wakes up at night.  This was about 9:30pm.

April 24
 We had to make a trip to the doctor's because Brendan was having some coughing/sinus issues.  We stopped at the state park on the way home and saw lots of tree swallows.  Brendan was seeing how close he could get before it flew away.

April 25
 A little backyard bird-watching.

April 26
 I went to my mom's house this evening and a group of deer ran in front of my car.  No one was behind me so I stopped to take a few pictures.  My mom often sees these deer snacking on the bird seed in her backyard.

April 27
 Brendan added a star for Lila on his classroom bucket filler chart.  It said "I love you Lila" Brendan earned a star that read "Brendan #1 Cleaner"

April 28
Lila is into babies and was pretending "Dee" was a baby in her tummy.  She unzipped her pj's and stuck Dee inside and then zipped it back up.  What a silly girl.

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