Sunday, June 17, 2012

Prayer request

For Father's Day this year my husband requested a special breakfast in lieu of a gift.  So I woke up early this morning while they were all sleeping and went to Meijer.  I have my list of items to buy to make this special breakfast and I should have been there only a few minutes to get these items.

God has a funny way of having you meet people when you least expect it. 

This woman was looking at the sausage links next to me.  Then we got to talking.  This is not unusual for me.  I'm always having conversations with people I meet at the grocery store.  Most likely it is casual and last 30 seconds.  This morning though was different.  This woman needed someone to talk to and I needed to hear it.  I won't share her personal struggles because they are not mine to share.  I will ask if you read this to send a prayer for Denise, her kids, and her father.  God is Good and he will listen.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


It has happened.  Summer vacation began at approx. 11:48am (Friday morning) when a certain blonde-haired boy got off the bus.

The first item on his summer list...

Have a picnic lunch and watch his favorite bird movie.

Poor Lila.  She just wants to watch Dora or Caillou and Brendan tries to lure her in by watching the show with Owls and birdies.  She's smarter than that Brendan. 

The rest of our afternoon was spent with Monica and baby Connor.  He cracks me up.  Pull a camera out and he'll instantly smile for you.  He should be a baby model.

We also made a trip to the cemetery to water my dad's flowers.  This is quickly turning into the kids favorite activity.  They just don't water my dad's, they water all the flowers around my dad.  We also made an exciting discovering while putting a hose away.

We watched a killdeer doing his "injury-feigning" display.  He/She lying on the ground with a wing out and flopping about.  This is used as a distraction method because you are near their nest or young.  It turns out about 2 feet in front of us in someone's flowers was their nest with four eggs.  This will be a great lesson for Brendan and birds:)

On the agenda for the first full day of summer vacation is Brendan's first t-ball practice and hanging out with my mom.

Monday, June 4, 2012

That time I stood in the rain...

So after a meeting the other evening I had to run into Kroger to get some milk, produce, bread, etc... since we are out.  It is lightly raining and everyone is rushing into the store.  The busy shopping hours after most are done with work.

 I'm walking toward the door and a bird catches my eye.  Usually the house sparrows are flying around but this bird is different and there are about 4.  It's a cedar waxwing.  I reach for my camera since I have not seen one of these birds in a long time and realize I switched bags before my meeting and only have my camera on my phone.  This does not equate to a very good picture.

 Now I'm standing in the rain, talking to myself, and looking at these birds.  Anyone walking by probably thought I was so crazy woman once step away from feeding the pigeons.  So what do I do?

Quickly finish my shopping, call Jason to have Brendan put his shoes on, drive the 5 minutes home (which turns out longer since I got both lights), run the groceries in, get Brendan, and drive back to Kroger.  The four birds turned into about 20 while I was gone.

  They were everywhere. 

 Feasting on berries in the trees.
Brendan was in bird heaven.

Only one lady stopped to ask what we were looking at in the trees.  We pointed them out and she thought they were neat because we were so close to them.  She then backed out and asked me where the closest liquor store was located.

Because it makes sense to ask the mom standing out in the rain, looking into a tree with her small child, in front of Kroger at 8pm, where the closest liquor store is...

Thank you #57 for keeping it interesting.