Tuesday, February 26, 2013

39 weeks 6 days...

So here I still sit the day before my due date (wrote this yesterday and forgot to hit publish...spoiler alert...I am still pregnant). Brendan has a stomach virus and has been sick the last two days. I think I have a touch of it as well. It is fun to be so pregnant and throwing up and taking care of someone else who is throwing up.

We have a snowstorm headed our way today. I am just ignoring it and not watching the weather reports.

Lila has been in the same pj's since her bath on Sunday night.

I get a few texts everyday if I had the baby yet. People must not trust me to tell them when I actually have the baby. Next time I should just say yes I did. That is a mean joke though.

Brendan is moaning on the couch so loud you would think he was in labor. Poor kid. He has never had a stomach bug this bad before.

I go to the doctor on Thursday. Wonder if there has been any progress? I didn't really believe my doctor when she said I can be 3-4cm for a month. She was due after me and had her baby like 2 weeks ago!

I really thought I was going to have the baby on February 25th. The idea of a March baby never crossed my mind until this last week.

My niece is March 3rd and my nephew March 5th. Neither is excited that this baby may be born on their birthdays:)

My sister and I have a friend that works at our ob/gyn office. She told my sister over the weekend that if I and baby are healthy they may let me go two weeks past my due date. I am sure my husband would love to listen to me complain for 2 more weeks about how I can't get comfortable to sleep or I get stuck on the couch.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Brendan sometimes makes me crazy. Ok a lot of the time. He is a seriously emotional kid...no idea where he got that from...(yes mom I know from me)...

He comes into our room often at night. Likes to sleep with a nightlight on and his door open. He would sleep cuddled up right next to me if I let him.

He made a comment after school about how he wished he could go to Florida like our neighborhood friends. I tried to make it more exciting by saying, "But you are getting a new brother or sister!!!!"

He then said in his sweet little voice, "I hope I get a baby brother. Then we can share a room and I won't be scared at night."

We have talked about him and Lila sharing a room for awhile until we see if this is a boy or girl and they get older. I mentioned this to Brendan and he loved this idea! He said one side for Lila and one side for him. That they could even have half blue and half pink:)

I also asked why he felt scared at night and he said he sometimes worries about tornadoes like they get in Kansas. Poor kid. I assured him that it is February in Michigan and we do not have to worry about tornadoes.

Guess we will be trying a sleepover with them in his room to see how this works out...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 7 (365 project)

Here are my 7 week pictures...

Sunday I started the day by spilling coffee all over the floor

Monday Lila had fun with her princess app

Tuesday we went to my mom's

Wednesday Lila refused to nap

Thursday Happy Valentine's Day and a 38 week pic

Friday we had a movie night

Saturday I loved seeing some sunshine!

Friday, February 15, 2013

I tried...

Telling my husband I thought I was in labor this morning.

He didn't believe me.

I really just wanted to go to the hospital where my two "sweet and quiet" children were not. Your third child and a stay at the hospital sounds like a vacation right now. Especially on mornings when Lila wakes up too early and just likes being grumpy for no reason.

I hid in the kitchen after Jason and Brendan left for work and school and made myself a nice breakfast and coffee. Lila asked what I was doing and then said she didn't like that food. Finally something she won't steal from me:)

Thanks mom for leaving the hash browns so I could have more this morning.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday Randoms

1. I am 38 weeks as of today. No contractions to speak of which I find amusing since I was contracting on and off from 22-35 weeks and then nothing. My last check was 3-4cm so I dilated 2-3cm between 35 and 36 weeks and didn't even know

2. We finally got a minivan and now have room for the baby! It is so nice to get into the car and not feel like there is no room for anything or anyone. 3 kids in the back of my old Saturn Ion was stressing me out just thinking of it.

3. We watched the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show like we do each February and Jason was not on his top game. He always guesses the winners except he only picked one this year and his pick did not win best in show either. Better luck next year.

4. I realized last night if I do not drink a huge glass of water at 11pm that I can sleep past 4 am without having to get up. I only realized this because the water jugs we filled up at Kroger this past week had a definite earthy/dirt aftertaste. It is gross and now I have 4 water jugs filled with gross tasting water.

5. I have also realized I am not one of those people who are over being pregnant. Maybe it is because of all I have to do to keep the baby in that once I can be normal I only have 3 weeks to prepare and that doesn't seem like a lot of time when most women have many more weeks. Or maybe it is because I am still in denial that I actually have to go through labor again. Baby has to come out sometime though:)

6. I am hoping this March was as warm as last March. That would be great to be able to let the kids play outside in nice warm weather in a few weeks...wishful thinking on my part.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 6 (365 project)

Here's another week of pictures...

Now going through my pictures I did not take one everyday. So this will be more of a week at a glance. It ranges from having some fun with projects, a snow day, Lila put her puzzle together without help, I reached a huge milestone of Full-Term!!!, we said good bye to my little car and purchased a mini-van!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 4 and 5 (365 project take 2)

I can't figure out how to switch pictures and wording around, so I am just going to share the pictures with out captions...

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's February!

One of my main goals when I started having issues was to at least make it to February.

Well today is February 1st and I am still pregnant!

Happy 36 weeks and 2 days...almost full-term!!!