Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brendan's best evening

Birder Brendan had a special treat.  He loves to see how close he can get to our bird feeders before the birds fly away.  They usually take off as soon as he starts walking towards them.  This particular night he was given a little gift.  One of our regular visitors (the house finch) let us get up close and personal. 

He's so loud most of the day.  I love when he is birding he knows to walk slow and stay quiet.  Lila has not mastered this skill.

He was hoping she would fly onto his outstretched arm.  She did not.

If only all our backyard birds would pose this nicely for a picture.  A fancy camera is not in our budget so we don't always get the best bird photographs.  Take note all birds and let us stand 2 feet away and get a nice picture.
Lila not mastering the quiet birding tricks.  She scared this poor girl to death by chasing it around and yelling,

"Birdie, Birdie, Birdie!  See Lila!!!"

The bird did not want to see Lila.
Brendan took this picture.  We weren't sure if she was hurt or not because she wasn't flying too high or too far.  After the kids traumatized observed the bird.  I told them we should leave her alone and see if she flies off.  Well not two minutes after we walked away, she happily flew away and was fine.  So thank you little finch for allowing us 15 minutes of your time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Who are these kids?

The kids were treated to a surprise day with daddy on Saturday.  I had a Thirty-One party so he loaded them up and off they went.  He text me later that afternoon that the kids had been awesome.  I also made sure to send the camera with him so I could see their fun day.

All these pictures of smiling kids and Brendan being helpful to his sister.  I almost forgot they were mine.  Almost until I came across this picture. 

Now these are my kids...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Big Year Update

Brendan was able to add a few more birds to his list in the last few weeks.  He is up to 62 different species since April 1st. 

His latest additions are:

60. Indigo bunting.  We saw this little flash of blue while we were Up North with friends and even found some of his feathers while on a nature walk.

61. Pileated Woodpecker.  We heard his drumming loud and clear (also up north) and went on a nature walk to find it.  Unfortunately we couldn't get far enough off the path in the forest to locate it.  It was close by but the woods were just a little too thick for us to maneuver through.

62. Eastern Kingbird.  We just added this Wednesday while we were leaving Bald Mountain.  He sat atop the tall grass on the side of the road as we left the beach parking lot.

We have an unidentified bird sound that we heard and have not been able to figure out.  Brendan thinks it was an owl.  We listened to owl sounds and it doesn't match up with any.  I guess we still have some investigating to do!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We are spending this hot (going to be 97) summer holiday with my mom.  The kids are going to be stocked up on fun activities courtesy of grandma.  Slip-n-slide and nerf guns.  What is more fun that that?

We have lots of good treats and drinks.  We don't have to get ready to go anywhere (hello Fourth of July Pj Party) and there will be lots of relaxation!

The highlight of our evening will be our Sparkler Grand Finale!  Pictures to follow...

photo by my mom

Enjoy your day!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012


It is no secret when you talk to me that my kids make me crazy.  My mom reminds me that everyone's kids make them crazy.  They are kids.  That is what they know how to do.

We took a little trip to the cemetery to water my dad's flowers.  Brendan and Lila were great helpers.  They took turns watering and visiting with Grandpa Paul.  Brendan eventually started watering the graves around my dad and Lila went in search of pine cones.

A short while later an SUV pulled up behind my car and a nicely dressed woman got out.  She walked up to a grave near us and began tidying it up.  She commented on Brendan being a great helper with a smile then went back to watering her flowers.  She was there about 10 minutes and we both commented on how dry the plants were despite all the rain we just had over the weekend.  Then she quietly washed the granite with her water, stood up, admired it, and slowly walked back to her car.

I knew immediately who she was as soon as she arrived.  The mother of the 14 year old year that passed away 4 years ago.  We often walked past her marker and gazed down at her face on the stone.  So so young to be gone.

Brendan asked who the woman was and I told him it was a young girl's mommy taking care of her flowers just like we were taking care of Grandpa Paul's.  Now she was in heaven like grandpa to which he responded,

"Awesome!  I want to go to heaven!"

Oh the simple mind of a 6 year old.  Understanding yet not understanding.

It was in this moment that I got my reminder from God loud and clear.  Yes the children may make you crazy, frazzled, upset, and frustrated.  Yes you may not enjoy how they are acting.  Yes you may not even like them.

They are here.  I can hold, hug, kiss, talk, play, and enjoy them.  They are here.  Enjoy them.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Life happens

So my mom so sweetly reminded me that I have not updated since mid-June.  I told her that it has been busy:)  She hears all my stories firsthand so I am not sure what the problem is;)

June was a big ol' whirlwind.  Brendan finished kindergarten!  We spent a week at our local Vacation Bible School and then we went on an Up North excursion with our neighborhood friends.  5 adults, 7 kids, one house, 3.5 days.  We had a blast and we are still friends.  We stayed up late talking and got up early with the kids.  We played at the beach, went on nature walks, went to the park, watched movies, and yelled at the kids.  It was good to get away and unwind.

Brendan started t-ball the day we came home from Up North. He's having fun (of course) and at his last game he had 28 RBIs.  He also happened to bat 8th in the rotation (last batter runs the bases and only 8 kids) and there are no outs.  So grand slam every at bat.

I had two 31 parties the last week of June.  That made for some late nights.  It will help fund our August family trip though!

We went to fireworks last night with friends.  Lila made some new friends with the most unexpected people.  I'm glad that the weirdness of a past situation seems to be gone and people are able to move on. 

July is here and that means my birthday and Jason's right around the corner.  The first half of July is not so busy and I will gladly welcome some lazy mornings.