Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 14 {365 project}

Finally getting these posted on the same day as the link-up.  We've had a busy week because Brendan was home for spring break.  Luckily we had nice sunny weather and were able to be outside!  Happy Easter!

April 1
 Lila loves herself some cake

April 2
 Brendan: "Mommy let's pretend it is my birthday today.  Guess what Brendan...if you weren't born 10 weeks early it actually could have been your birthday.

April 3
 Brendan was finally able to meet the ducks!  He was a little excited.

April 4
 Choosing the perfect tulip for our spring bouquet!

April 5
 Tigers Opening Day!  We watched the game with some baseball snacks at my mom's.

April 6
 We found some ducks to feed at the zoo.

April 7
(picture to come.  just realized I never uploaded my pictures from yesterday)

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful tulips you have! Looks like a fun week with your kids. :)
