Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 16 {365 project}

My mid-April pictures and another busy week.  Enjoy.

April 15
First day of soccer and practicing before the game

April 16
Miss Lila woke up crying early from her nap.  We decided painting our toenails would make it better.

April 17
We spent the morning with our friend.  It is easy to occupy two 2 year olds with a field of pretty flowers.

April 18
We had a picnic dinner at our local nature center and went for a walk.

April 19
Brendan adding his two new species to his list.

April 20
Lila giving daddy a big hug.

April 21
 Somehow the girls got tricked into making a big breakfast for the boys.  They did the cleaning up after for us while we watched a movie.  Fair trade in my book!


  1. Looks like a great week! I'm jealous you guys get to spend so much time outside!

  2. Thanks Chelsea! We are very fortunate to be able to live close to many nice parks to visit when the weather permits. Especially with our two very active children!

  3. Cute idea to paint nails when she woke up crying! Although, I don't think that would work for my boys. ;)

  4. You could turn it into an experiment. What color will you get if you mix these colors together? Ha! Think that will work:)
