Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter in pictures

We had a lovely Easter day.

Sunday morning I the Easter Bunny hopped through our yard hiding our colorful eggs.  Brendan looked out the kitchen window like he does every morning when he looks for birds and said,

"I think the Easter bunny came.  I see my blue egg out there!"

We woke Lila and daddy up and got our coats and shoes on to go explore the yard and to find those 10 eggs.  There were 11 but Lila broke my "Mom is Cool" egg right after I colored it.  Guess she doesn't think I'm so cool.

They walked/ran around the yard together looking for all those eggs.  Some were hidden easy for Lila and others up high for Brendan. 

There was only one tense moment when Lila decided she wanted to carry the basket all by herself and kept screaming,
"It's Eye-ya's!!! No Da-den" (It's Lila's!!! No Brendan)

Well girlfriend missed out on carrying after that but forgot about her fit when she found her last egg.  We then trooped in to find the Easter goodies hidden in the house.  This took about 2 minutes and the kids looked over their baskets.  They crack me up that they get excited about pencils and fruit snacks.

We all got ready for mass and the kids did an amazing job at church.  My mom, brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew were waiting for us and Lila was so excited to see her Aunt That.  Brendan and Hailey sat by my mom and were angels throughout mass.  Lila had a few loud moments, turned grandma's oxygen on and off, and finally spent some time with daddy outside.

After mass we went to my mom's house for our big Easter brunch.  My sister and her family were waiting for us and my sister-in-law and brother cooked us a grand feast!  It was perfect.  Probably because we also had Raspberry Sparkletini and Mimosas:)  The kids had fun looking for Easter eggs and getting goodies from grandma.  I enjoyed her lesson on the meaning of Easter with all the kids. 

Last on our list was spending the afternoon/evening with my in-laws.  The kids love running around their big yard and seeing the dog.  Lila calls it the "doggy's house" now:)  We had another egg hunt with the girls (cousins), watched the Tigers game, and my mother-in-law took me for a ride in a sports car she had for work. 

My favorite picture from the day.  Great Grandma and Lila

It was a grand day.


  1. A perfect Easter Day. My favorite picture is also Great grandma and Lila. So wonderful that your kids have such wonderful great grandparents.


  2. We had some tears on Easter morning as well. I took Tommy's chocolate egg away from him so he wouldn't get it all over his white sweater. Oh the tears that flowed! Looks like you guys had a great day (other than the fighting about the basket ;) ). Such sweet pictures with the great grandparents. Happy Easter!
