Tuesday, September 3, 2013


A new "season" is upon us.  It is full of routines, alarms, homework, soccer, and school.

We now have a second grader.  Brendan was so excited to begin school that he was up and ready an hour before we had to leave.

He is in a split 2nd/3rd grade class and has lots of friends in his class.  After school he told me everything was great and he loved lunch and recess.  He is riding the bus again and we have yet another new bus stop.  Luckily they are getting closer to our house:)

Lila is almost a preschooler.  She starts in just about a week and a half.  She is thrilled and SO ready to go!  She has a few friends that will be in her class and a brand new backpack just waiting to be filled with her work!  She has been doing "schoolwork" this summer and loves workbooks, writing her name, and cutting with scissors.

Parker. Sweet baby Parker.  You have a new nickname. Buddy.  I am not sure who even gave you that name but it has stuck.  You and Brendan are now sharing a room and you are sleeping in your crib.  You love stretching out, sleeping on your side, and on your tummy.  You have been a little fussy lately and I think you are working on some teeth.  You are rolling all over the place and you are just a few days shy of your half birthday!!!