Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 17 {365 project}

April 22
 Sunday soccer.  His tongue is always out while he's running.

April 23
 Lila woke up sad so she got to hang out with us for a bit.  She was looking at Brendan's bird book with some crazy girl eyes.  She's always so funny when she wakes up at night.  This was about 9:30pm.

April 24
 We had to make a trip to the doctor's because Brendan was having some coughing/sinus issues.  We stopped at the state park on the way home and saw lots of tree swallows.  Brendan was seeing how close he could get before it flew away.

April 25
 A little backyard bird-watching.

April 26
 I went to my mom's house this evening and a group of deer ran in front of my car.  No one was behind me so I stopped to take a few pictures.  My mom often sees these deer snacking on the bird seed in her backyard.

April 27
 Brendan added a star for Lila on his classroom bucket filler chart.  It said "I love you Lila" Brendan earned a star that read "Brendan #1 Cleaner"

April 28
Lila is into babies and was pretending "Dee" was a baby in her tummy.  She unzipped her pj's and stuck Dee inside and then zipped it back up.  What a silly girl.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My bucket is full

Brendan's school is talking about "filling your bucket" and that means doing kind things for others.  It fills you up inside when you are kind and others are kind to you.  Today was one of those days that filled up my bucket. 

We walked for our 7th March of Dimes annual walk, March for Babies.  We had beautiful sunny weather, a great group of friends, and a wonderful cause to help out.  Our 3 mile walk turned into a 2 hour leisurely stroll.  We stopped along the way and enjoyed our day.  There was no rushing to finish.  It was perfect.

I always get choked up at the walk.  We are blessed that Brendan is there to walk with us.  Our superbaby came home.  Our superbaby is healthy.

We are so thankful that we get continued support and love from our family and friends each and every year.  We are thankful for our friends that walked with us and our family that walked with us in spirit.

My bucket is full.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Entertaining a toddler

Every afternoon after nap we load up into the car to get Brendan from the bus stop.  Lila is usually happy with a snack and some books other times not so much.  This particular day she saw me put on some chapstick and asked,

"Lila want some."

I have an extra tube just for this reason.  So I gave Lila her tube and let her have fun.

I love how serious she was when she put it on.  She then got a little rough...

"It oke mommy. Uh-oh."

Oh well.  It kept her occupied for those few minutes that sometimes feel like an eternity...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Why we walk...

Every April since our son was born...
we walk.

He was our "surprise" pregnancy.  We had just gotten engaged and began planning our wedding.  Then, surprise!  We found out I was expecting at the same time as my sister, sister-in-law, and two cousins.  My pregnancy was perfect.  Slight nausea, a little tired, and I worked as a full-time preschool teacher.  No real complaints.  My doctors told me all the time I was a model patient.

That was until Sunday January 29, 2006.  I was just 30 weeks 1 day and I began cramping every 10 minutes.  Not knowing what to do, I called my sister for advice.  She was pregnant with her third and an expert at being pregnant.  She advised me to call our doctor and drink lots of water and lay on my left side.  That is exactly what our doctor suggested and said if it didn't slow down in the next hour to head down to the hospital for a check.

It is no big deal and it happens all the time he told me.  Lots of women get contractions from being dehydrated and it eventually stops.  He said not to worry and he hoped he didn't see me.  Well less than an hour we were headed out the door because they were getting closer not farther apart.  The drive to the hospital is a blur.  I know Jason said he was lucky he didn't get pulled over and the E.R. at 11 pm is interesting.  I had to wait in line behind a belligerent drunk woman who did not know where she was before I could tell them my situation.

The nurse also assured me that this happens all the time and not to worry.  Let's just pump some i.v.'s in you and you'll stop.

Not so much.  I was now contracting every 5 minutes and could tell that they were getting nervous.  Let's just do a little check to make sure you aren't dilating she said...

Well it turns out I was 6cm and in full blown labor at 30 weeks.  They tried to stop my labor but Brendan had his own plan.  He wanted out.  The following morning at 10:01 he arrived.  We were told to expect a baby that was not crying, may be blue, and will be whisked off to the N.I.C.U (neonatal intensive care unit) immediately.
The next surprise was that he was none of those things.  He was pink and crying.  His little lungs were allowing him to make the sweetest little preemie cries.  We were all shocked.  We were allowed to hold him for a minute to give him a kiss and decide his name, Brendan Paul.  He was placed in an incubator for his trip to the N.I.C.U and was able to see his two grandmas waiting right outside our door.

We have no pictures of his first few hours.  I had no bag packed, no camera, and my cellphone didn't even take pictures.  I remember when I was settled into my room and the nurse came in the first time to check how I was and the comments she made to me.  I don't think she knew how they hurt.  She was trying to be friendly by saying it didn't even look like I had just had a baby and where was my tummy.  I didn't have time to grow a belly my son was just born 10 weeks early.

That is why we walk.  We were lucky that Brendan was so healthy and did not have one setback in the hospital.  This is almost unheard of in the N.I.C.U.  They always tell you one step forward and two steps back.  Brendan practically marched out of that hospital after 31 days.  So many parents have to leave empty handed with just the memories of their angel babies.

Even six years later I still tear up remembering our time at the hospital.  Having to scrub our hands for 3 minutes with the orange soap.  Having to drive 30 minutes to visit our son.  Having to walk out of that hospital each night without him.  I would cry as soon as I got into the elevator.  We were the lucky ones.  He thrived and grew and was able to come home.

This Sunday we will walk again.  We will walk for all those babies we know and love that were born too soon.  There are so many of them in my family.  We will walk for all the babies and families in the N.I.C.U now that can't walk.  We will walk for all those babies that grew wings and their parents who had to leave the hospital empty-handed.  We will walk for all of them.

Team Superbaby

March of Dimes for more info about signs of preterm labor

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 16 {365 project}

My mid-April pictures and another busy week.  Enjoy.

April 15
First day of soccer and practicing before the game

April 16
Miss Lila woke up crying early from her nap.  We decided painting our toenails would make it better.

April 17
We spent the morning with our friend.  It is easy to occupy two 2 year olds with a field of pretty flowers.

April 18
We had a picnic dinner at our local nature center and went for a walk.

April 19
Brendan adding his two new species to his list.

April 20
Lila giving daddy a big hug.

April 21
 Somehow the girls got tricked into making a big breakfast for the boys.  They did the cleaning up after for us while we watched a movie.  Fair trade in my book!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Big Year update

So we are officially 20 days into Brendan's Big Year and he has recorded 46 species of birds.  Ok, some were from the zoo but I cut him some slack because he is 6 and can't very well travel all over the country birding.  Which interestingly enough, after some research, going for a Big Year is one of the most costly sports out there.  I think they do call it a sport because you are in competition with other birders.

His favorites birds so far:

Blue Jay


Eastern Bluebird

Sandhill Crane (juvenile) 
We saw this bird back in the field and Brendan helped figure out what it was.

Birds he really wants to see...

Great Gray Owl
There are a few nesting pairs in the U.P. of Michigan. Most live far north of that and in the Arctic.

A Pileated Woodpecker
source national geographic

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
source: all about birds
Snowy Owl
Great-Horned Owl
source: Richard Parrish (Toledo Metroparks Facebook page)

He's convinced he's going to see over 800 bird species by March 31, 2013.  Glad he set such a high goal.  This spring we plan on going out to Magee Marsh with my brother's family to see all the migratory birds.  Hopefully we will be able to identify them once we see them.  We also plan on taking a trip to my aunt's to see (hopefully) the pileated woodpecker, hummingbirds, and listen for owls.  We are also planning a weekend up north this summer so we should have some good birding:)  He wants to see ravens, gray jays, evening grosbeaks, and boreal chickadees while up north.

Just last night as we sat on the couch he said,

"I want to travel all over the world and see birds!"

I advised him to save his money because it is expense to travel all over the world.  He might want to start doing more chores to fund his Big Year travels.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I spent yesterday morning with a good friend and her son for her birthday.  We took the kids to a local metropark farm.  The kids "toddler-talked" the car ride out about what animals they wanted to see.  Baby pigs, donkey, horse, cow, and meows were all on the list.  We had no idea what to expect because neither of us had been there before.  Well the farm did not disappoint and the kids were able to see all their favorites.  Expect for the meows.  Sorry Lila. 

The hit of the morning were the cute little baby piglets.  They were only a week old and too cute.
I was ready to swoop over the fence and take one home.
They all curled up with one another to stay warm and made the cutest little pigs sounds. 
I even told another lady admiring them how much I wanted to sneak one away.
She gave me a little insight and perspective that I had not thought about.  She said they were cute now but looked what they turned into...
A giant, smelly, 700lb mommy pig.
Thanks for the tip lady!  I did not have the desire any longer to sneak one of those oh so cute piglets into my bag for Lila:)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More pictures of Brendan's "funnest day ever"

It was raining and it looks like his clothes are 5 sizes too big:)

He found a bug on our nature walk.

He got to add wood ducks to his Big Year list.

He spied this chickadee in the shrubs next to the trail.

We spent about 10 minutes watching the chickadees fly around.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The funnest day ever

That is what Brendan said about yesterday.

He went to Sunday school, had his first soccer game, played outside, went on a nature walk with me, and we went out to eat.

According to a six year old that equals "the funnest day ever!"

Cell phone pics (Top: After nature walk and Bottom: After Sunday school)