Thursday, May 30, 2013

Almost June

School is almost done.  Brendan has until June 11th and is officially on summer break.  Then we will have a second grader!!

Learning Fair at his school last week.  

We have a couple long weekend trips scheduled for break.  I love getting away.  I do not love planning and packing for trips away.  My friend said it best on Facebook when I posted "You know you are a mom when..." And she said going grocery shopping alone is a vacation and vacation with children is work.  Ha! So very true.

My friend and I talked about going away for a weekend this fall.  Thinking maybe Chicago.  We will see if we can make it work.

Family pictures this Sunday!  So excited.  We have not had pictures since I was pregnant with Lila.  Thank you Mom for the gift:)

We celebrated 7 years of marriage on Memorial Day.  We spent the afternoon at a friend's for a BBQ.  It rained and was in the 50's.  Awesome weather.  We then went to a Tiger game the next evening for our anniversary.  It was nice to have an evening together and it was prolonged due to the rain delay.  Unfortunately my jinx status at the games is still going strong.  Almost a decade in the making.  Jason even commented that we are like 0-15 for games we have gone together over the years.

Lila is dramatic.  She acts like a hormonal teenager and she is 3.  Tears, fits, throwing herself on the ground (in the middle of the street), huffing, and dirty looks.  

Parker is amazing.  Thank goodness because of the above!  He is so laid back and go with the flow.

Brendan also acts like a hormonal teenager at 7.  So it is exciting when he and Lila are doing this behavior at the same time.  I feel like a circus whenever we leave our house.

He wanted his picture with his various soccer and tball trophy.  He looks innocent.  Don't let it fool you.

Recent pictures...
Happy Parker

Entertaining Parker in the van

Lila loves taking pictures together

She loves her baby

Some quiet time with Parker while Daddy took the big kids shopping

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So What Wednesday

I am linking up with Shannon at Life After I Dew for her weekly So What! Wednesday

This is what I am saying So What to today...

...It is 10:30 am and the kids and I are hanging out in my bed

...I am frustrated because I have been eating better and walking more and my clothes are still tight and uncomfortable

...I turned our a/c on Sunday night because it was 80+ degrees in our house and I was cranky

...I hold the baby all day because that is how he likes to nap

...that is why we have a few baskets of laundry just sitting around

...I guess I could fold it now since the baby is content. Oh well I am typing this instead

...I am not looking forward to hot weather because I already feel hot all the time.

...the cashier at Kroger looked at my i.d. and exclaimed, "Wow! I thought you were my age. I am 36." I am 32. Things not to say to a tired mom of 3 buying wine.

...ok. Parker is sad. He needs a snuggle.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Health and Fitness Friday link-up

I am linking up this Friday with Jen at A Daily Dose of Davis for Health and Fitness Friday.

Now that Parker is 9 weeks old and the weather has been so nice here in Michigan, I decided it was time to make an effort to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes.

After having Parker, I lost 13 pounds after gaining 30 pounds. At my six week check up I was down 13 pounds. So no weight loss in that time and I am lucky no weight gain since I keep eating like I was pregnant and I am not nursing so I do not need the extra calories.

So I started an easy walking workout On Demand. It was about 15 minutes and equaled a one mile walk. It was perfect since I had been on bed rest for several weeks in my pregnancy and needed to build my strength back up. I did this a few times a week.

Then the weather was beautiful one morning and I had finished feeding Parker at 6:40 am and decided I was ready for an outdoor walk. I then decided to change some of my eating habits and make better snack choices.

This is what my walking schedule has looked like:

I reached my first milestone.  I could zip and button some of my shorts from last summer as of Wednesday morning.  I text my sister and two friends I was so excited.  I told my sister I guess it pays off to eat more fruit and veggies and walk than sit on my butt and eat candy.  Sad but true.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

9 weeks

Parker had his 2 month check up a week ago. 2 months. You think by the third child I would realize how fast time really does fly.

Brendan will be done with 1st grade in a few weeks.

Lila will be starting preschool in September.

Parker consistently sleeps from 9:30/10:30pm-6/7am.

Those winter months are finally behind us (hopefully it was freezing over Mother's Day. Hat/coats/gloves and a little bit of snow/sleet/rain).

After 3 long and hard years, my mom had her transplant and is recovering beautifully.

Time. It moves fast even if we don't think it is.

So back to Parker being 2 months old. You weighed in at 12lbs 9 ounces and were 23 and 3/4 inches long. You are still content, relaxed, and go with the flow. You started playing with your toys on the play mat. You like to nap best in my arms. You have more hair growing in. It is hard to tell what color it will be because you have several shades ranging from light blonde to brown. You have been a little fussy lately unless I am holding you. It is okay. I love snuggling you:)

Now onto the pictures!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One excited boy

Santa brought Brendan a brand new basketball hoop and it is finally staying nice out so it was time to put it together. Thanks to my wonderful in-laws who entertained the kids and helped my husband put it together. Brendan is already planning the next time he can shoot some hoops.

I took a couple pictures ( of course I did). I did not get him making a basket like he requested. I was feeding Parker at that point.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Almost 2 months


Seriously. How has it been almost 2 months since you were born. You made us wait and wait and wait. You were so worth the wait. You arrived at the perfect time. You have been so sweet, content, and happy. You don't mind the chaos that is around us 24/7. I wish I could be as relaxed as you.

You are quickly outgrowing your 3 month outfits and started wearing some 6 month sizes. You are also in size 2 diapers since you outgrew the 1's before we could even use them all up! Thankfully we were gifted lots of diapers and have plenty for now.

You are eating 4.5ounces six times a day. Your first feeding of the day is between 6-7am and your last between 10-11pm. You usually sleep soundly though sometimes around 3ish you wake yourself up. I either ignore you (poor 3rd child) or give you the pacifier and you go back to sleep.

You have a yucky case of cradle cap. So you got an oil scalp massage. Ok it was me putting oil all over your head and then combing the dry skin off. I need to do round 2 soon.

You are still so serious. You smile every so often and it is such a treat. You also started giggling a little in your sleep. I always wonder what is so funny to you.

Brendan told me he likes you but he wishes you were older so you could play and share a room with him. He also asked why we didn't name you Wilson.

Lila still loves to help out. She also wants you to sleep in her room. I can only imagine how many babies she would give you to sleep with.

You have had a few new visitors lately. I love how much joy you bring to others. People just want to pack you up and take you with them. We have not let this happen:)

We visited a friend yesterday who is on bed rest with her second. She just cuddled you while I played with Lila. Her little baby was kicking you. I am sure you will be good little friends once he is born.

The weather finally turned nice. Yay spring! We spent the afternoon outside yesterday and you played in the baby tent. I anticipate many days in the backyard like this.

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks...