Thursday, June 27, 2013

Meeting their new brother

Jason's parents had Lila all day and got Brendan to and from school for us.  After Parker was born and he called his mom to share the news and she made the decision to not tell the kids and let them be surprised when they got to the hospital.

They also took a video on the ride to the hospital of the kids arguing about if it was a brother or a sister and then once they arrived walking into the room and finding out the news.  It is such a special video and I wish I had a copy of it now to share (I will share when my father in law remembers to get us a copy!)

Lila was so incredibly excited about the baby.  I think her and my mom were the most excited:)  She made her entrance into the room and asked what the baby was and yelled,

"It's a Parker!!!"

She also thanked me several times for giving her a little brother.  It was love at first sight.

Brendan on the other hand was playing it cool.  He had his Kindle and seemed more interested in playing games than greeting his new sibling.  He kept asking me for a baby brother since he already had a sister.  Luckily it worked out for him.

He then decided he should take a peek and see what all the fuss was about that Lila was making.

When it was time to move to the next room Lila did not want to be separated from me or her new baby as she called Parker.

Then once we were settled, the pediatrician came in to exam Parker and guess who asked to help?  An what an amazing doctor to take the extra time to let the big sister help out with the check up!  Lila was so happy!
Now it was close to dinner so Jason, my mom, and sister took the kids to the "Cafaria" as Brendan called it and a couple of my friends showed up to meet Parker.  Then after dinner the kids were kind of "over" being at the hospital and were getting loud and crazy.  We said our good-byes and I settled in for a relaxing evening at the hospital with Parker.  Meaning at 11:30pm they were coming to take him for a sleepover in the nursery so I could catch up on some much needed rest from our day that began at 4:30am.
Next up: Our time in the hospital


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Parker's BIRTHday

Finally...3.5 months later.  Here is when we found out Parker was Parker.

March 6th, 2013

I was exactly one week past my due date.

 For someone who was on bed rest for several weeks because of threatened pre-term labor and then was dilated to 3-4cm for 5 weeks, being past my due date was a sick joke this baby was playing on us.  I had asked a facebook poll and got responses to it must be a BOY because he doesn't want to leave you or it must be a GIRL because she is taking her sweet time.  I had no feelings either way.  My husband was convinced it was Parker from the get go.  He would even roll his eyes when we tried to pick a girl name.  I spent so many hours trying to come up with a girl name.  When all you can do is sit you have lots and lots of free time for thinking.

Ok.  Back to story.  One week past due date.  We left our house at 5:15am to be at the hospital by 5:45am.  My induction was set to start at 7:30am.  By induction it meant my doctor would come break my water and then contractions would start.  At least that is what we were hoping would happen.  My doctor arrives promptly at 7:30 (maybe times are fuzzy now) after I am checked in, hospital gown on, a million questions asked, etc..

My water breaking was less than exciting.  My water broke with our first and I remember a huge gush of water all over the triage bed.  This time I didn't even feel anything.  I even asked if he broke it.  We were then instructed to begin walking to kick start my contractions.  So we walked, and walked, and walked some more.  We walked past the room that I spent 24 hours being observed and got steroid shots for his lungs.  I was 28 weeks and had dilated to one cm.  I saw the nurse who was with me then and stopped to talk to her.  She asked how far I was now and when I told her 41 weeks and had to be induced.  We laughed.

After walking for almost and hour and a half and nothing going on, Pitocin was started.  I have no idea how much she gave me but it took about 2.5 hours to kick in.  She was slowly increasing and increasing some more until just before noon I went from having no pain to the most intense contraction yet.  This was funny because I had talked to my mom just before all of this and told her nothing was going on so if she wanted to wait to come I understood. Ha!  Joke on me.

The next 3 hours I have no concept of time.  I just know that I asked for my epidural right when the pain began because I knew it would be quick and I was a 5 right when the contractions began right around noon.  Our nurse started getting the room ready, I got my epidural, my mom got there, and our doctor was excited that it finally started. 

I progressed fairly quickly to 9 almost 10cm and then I kind of got stuck.  My doctor had my lay on my right side and they ended up turning my epidural down a little so I could feel more of the pressure.  My doctor said he would rather be patient and just wait for my body to get to the last little bit of cervix gone.  I remember I started feeling more and more and told him about three times.  He just kept saying, "That is good." or "Ok." and finally I was like I am really feeling it now Dr. Wolfe you better do something and he checked and it was time to push.

I don't know what time I started pushing (mom do you remember?)  I do remember that each push they gave me so much encouragement and praise.  Each push was like the best push anyone had ever done.  We were joking and laughing the whole time.  Jason had said all day the baby was going to be born at 3:27pm.  The baby was born at 3:23pm.  Sorry Jason.

He was screaming, yelling, and throwing a fit.  He fits perfect into our family.  He was our biggest baby at 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches.  He had a head full of dark hair and blonde hair. 


Next up...
The kids meet Parker


We have finally updated our home computer.  It has been working on and off for the past several months and is incredibly slow.  My husband bought it back before we were married or even engaged I believe.  We had it on his huge desk in our office in the basement.  Once I went onto bed rest this time around I was only allowed to go up and down the basement steps once per day and add in a toddler who gave up naps and followed you everywhere.  Things just couldn't get done on the computer. Ever.

Sunday my husband went off to Best Buy telling me he was just buying a new tower for our desktop in the basement.  I was less than thrilled because with a new baby that does not really take any consistent naps yet it would still be hard to do work on the computer.  I get a text shortly after he left that says, "Happy Birthday" and get confused since my birthday is still a couple weeks away.  Well lo and behold he comes home with a laptop bundle.  This will make things so much easier to do work for my Thirty One business and I won't have to sit in the corner of the basement.

This also means I could finally upload 1400 pictures that were clogging up my card for our camera.  Maybe now I can document Parker's birthday, Brendan's soccer, and Lila being Lila more.  Our lives have changed so much in the last 3.5 months and I was only able to do little updates here and there.

 I have Brendan in charge today while I am resting in bed with Parker.  My sinuses are acting crazy and we have a weekend up north with friends in two days.  I have yet to start packing and still have shopping to do.  Hopefully tonight I can finish that up and figure out what to take.

Here's to hoping for more blogging!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kid convos

Lila: Mommy when can I get married?

Me: Married.  Did you just ask when you can get married?

Lila:  Mommy I a princess.  Princesses get married. Can I marry Brendan?

Brendan: I am not marrying Lila in like 21 years.  She'd be too much trouble.

Lila: Can I marry daddy?

Brendan: No Lila. Daddy already got married to mommy.

Lila: Can I marry Parker?

Me: Lila you have to marry a nice boy who is not in our family.

Jason: Lila daddy has to approve.

Lila: Can I marry you mommy?

Why do we even try!  She is 3 for the record.  I wish I would have gotten a video.  She was asking in all seriousness. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Way too fast

It feels like just yesterday I posted about Brendan beginning kindergarten.

Now in about 45 minutes he will get off the bus and be a second grader.

Tomorrow I will probably wake up and he will be graduating high school.  It goes so so fast!

So proud of my little blue jay!  He had another great year.  

Last Friday for school shirt spirit day.  It is fitting that my little birder has one of his favorites as the school mascot!

A collage of his first and last day.  He looks so much older!

I wish I would have taken a picture first but we printed an instagram picture to Walgreen's of the first day of 1st grade and attached it to his teacher's gift as the thank you card.  She loved it and we couldn't get over how much older he looks!

Yay for summer break with no set schedule and relaxing days!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Health and Fitness Friday

I am linking up with Jen at A Daily Dose of Davis for Health and Fitness Friday

So since the last link up I have had a few more breakthroughs...

1.  I am able to wear more of my normal clothes and the borrowed clothes are getting too big!

2. My friend introduced me to MyFitnessPal and it has totally held me accountable for my food choices.  I think I am making better choices and wow were my portions way off!  I try to eat when I am hungry and not when I am just bored.  I am down a couple pounds since I started and about 7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.

3. I am also on Map my walk (or run)  with a few of my neighborhood friends.  I have gotten out for a couple evening walks with my runner friend. She is a fast walker and boy do I have to work to keep up with her!

Some goals I want to set for the next week...

1. Exercise at least 5 times

2. Continue to make healthy snack choices/portion control

And because no post is complete without a picture.  Here is the reason for all my work.

Parker, 3 months old

Monday, June 3, 2013

I went to bed at 9:30pm...

ASo this past weekend was busy!  Brendan had a birthday party on Saturday, Jason worked, and I had a Thirty One Party in the evening.

Sunday we got up early to meet friends at the zoo at 9am.  We get there to find out it is the annual Kidney Zoo Walk.  It was packed.  The weather was perfect so it worked out.

By the zebras

A most exciting peacock

Arctic Ring of Life

"It is a seal named Connor!" 

Watching the seals in the tunnel

Lila loved this

Life with 3...Lila's smile

Car ride home

Then Brendan had a soccer game at 2pm.  I stayed home with Lila and Parker because we had family pictures at 6.

After the pictures

Parker was cold, tired, and grumpy:(

Lila. Oh Lila

We got home and crashed.  Asleep by 9:45pm.  Thank you to the baby who sleep from 8:30pm-7am. It was awesome.