Sunday, September 30, 2012


Lila and I had a lazy morning this week.  It was cloudy and overcast.  We kept our jammies on and watched shows.  We also painted our nails.  Lila picked out all the "Sparkle" polish.  She even sat like a big girl so I could paint her fingernails. I've only ever been brave enough to paint her toenails.
 Can't believe she's nearing 3 in a few months!!!  Still feels like she's my baby:)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

17 Weeks (Baby #3)

I'm posting these as I finish my 17h week (today I am 18 weeks)...make sense.  I have a picture.  It is on my camera still:)

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, the baby is the size of a turnip.

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 5.5lbs)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Sleeping well at night and now making myself go to bed around 10-10:30pm.  If I stay up later I have a harder time falling asleep or end up falling asleep on couch and waking up at 2am confused.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  The only real craving I have is for pop.  I tried drinking a Coke Zero and it tasted so gross.  I need a real Coke or Dr. Pepper to really satisfy that craving. 

Symptoms: After bragging about only being sick once last week, I've been getting more sick this week.  I blame it on my overactive sinus drainage and dripping.  Yuck.

Exercise: Walking to the bus stop and pulling the wagon:)

Gender: Surprise!  I thinking more boy now after strong feelings of a girl for the first 3.5 months.  Guess we will know come February.

Movement:  Lots of movement this week.  Some have been pretty strong.

The belly: Popping out more and more.  There is now way I could button my pants now!  I'm still at that stage where my shirts are too short/snug but maternity tops are too big.

Worries: Still feeling the tightening/cramping every so often.  I was checked this week after my shot and my cervix is all closed up like it should be.  They switched my appointment around this week for my shot so I could see my regular doctor.  He's more strict and I worry he will start my bed rest earlier now than originally planned.

What I'm loving: Sleeping well and baby kicks!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

God's got your back


I know you'll read this eventually.  I truly hope our conversation help lift your spirits up.  Remember God's got YOUR back.  You have your faith, trust, and love in HIM.  You have the most beautiful soul and so many others know this.  You will get what YOU deserve because God's got your back.

He's slowing guiding you right now.  We don't always understand his path and his road.  We want things to happen on our terms.  It feels like you hit a major roadblock but he's got your back.  You've never been led by greed when so many others would have.  You wanted simply to be taken care of in this mess. 

They are the ones scrambling now.  The devil is leading them down HIS path. A path most would chose not to follow.  A path others would steer clear of because it is dark and dangerous.  Your path may make you uncomfortable or uneasy.  It is brightly lit with God's love.  He's with you mom.  I know you know this.  You just need a gentle nudge.

It is easier for me to process thoughts and then write them down here for you.  I mean it though.  I will go to them and just sit and stare:)  Willing them to open their eyes to what they are doing.  This will all make sense one day.  I know it will because God's got your back. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

16 weeks (Baby #3)

I'm posting these as I finish my 16th week (today I am 17 weeks)...make sense.  I have a picture.  It is on my camera still:)

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, the baby is the size of an avocado.

Weight gain/loss: +1.5 lbs from 2 weeks ago (weighed at doctor for total of 4.5lbs...I think)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep:  Still falling asleep on the couch in the evenings.  I fell asleep the other night and one of our living room windows was open and it began to rain.  I woke up with the rain hitting my face.  Talk about being confused.

Diet/cravings/aversions: I've just kind of been eating a bland diet.  Nothing really sounds good so I end up eating cereal, crackers, pasta, carb-type stuff.  I did make dinner a couple of times.  It is hard with Brendan's soccer practice schedule/busy evening plans to plan/prepare dinner.

Symptoms: Only got sick once this week!  Still feel queasy though.  I've been noticing I'm getting headaches a few times a week.  This up/down weather is too blame!

Exercise:  Lila and I walk to the bus stop every afternoon and we played kickball at our friend's one afternoon.  My neighbor took pity on me trying to catch the ball and she ran around the yard instead.

Gender: Still a surprise.  I've been thinking more boy thoughts recently which is surprising me since I have been confident it is a girl.  Guess we will find out in February.

Movement:  Feeling baby most everyday now.  Brendan had his hand on my belly the other night when I felt him/her move.  He was sad he couldn't feel it yet.

The belly:  Just in the last week I have been barely able to button my shorts/capris.  I can but it is so uncomfortable.  I'm glad the weather cooled off so I could wear my maternity pants.

Worries:  Been feeling tightening/cramps off and on.  You think with your 3rd pregnancy you would know what all the aches and pains were.  I go for my next shot Thursday and will ask if this is normal (which I'm sure it is...everything is growing!!!).

What I'm loving: Not being sick a lot:)  Feeling baby movements each day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh Brendan

This past weekend Brendan was such a sweet kid.  He was acting like "school Brendan" at home.  This is where he listens, follows directions, and doesn't whine.  He was so proud of himself and kept saying how great he was being for us.

Sunday night after Lila (the crazy one) went to bed, Brendan was asking some questions about the new baby.  Most importantly when it will be born.  I explained about the baby's due date at the end of February and said it will hopefully be born close to that day.  This got him asking about Lila's due date and also his due date.  He knows he was born early and had to stay in the hospital.  I was not expecting this response though when I asked why he wanted out 10 weeks early.

"Mommy I just wanted to see the world and there were no shows in there.  I wanted to watch shows."

Thanks for clearing that up for us Brendan.  No shows!  Maybe if I had a tv installed in my uterus he would have stayed put awhile longer...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

15 weeks (Baby 3)

I've just completed my 15th week of pregnancy.  Here is how it looked (I mean without a belly picture because I probably forgot to take one)...

How big is baby: The size of an apple

Weight gain/loss: 0 lbs this week (according to scale at home)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I fell asleep a lot on the couch in the evening which messed up my nightly sleep.  We have a very comfortable couch so it is hard to get up and go down the hallway.  At least that is what I tell myself.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  Not a lot really sounds good and cooking is a joke.  My poor husband.  I'm glad he doesn't mind that I'm not making a lot of dinners right now.

Symptoms: Was really queasy this week and throwing up a lot more.  Also felt some random pressure/cramping/uncomfortable stomach pains.  The baby brain is in full-force.  I cannot remember a darn thing and it drives me nuts!!!

Exercise:  Walking to the bus stop and pulling both kids home in the wagon uphill.  Counts for me!

Gender:  Still going the surprise route.  I've been saying girl along because my symptoms are so similar to how I felt with Lila.  Jason says boy but he has said that each time, Brendan wants a brother and Lila wants a sister.

Movement:  Felt some definite movement at random times.  Mostly in the evenings.

The belly:  I can still button some shorts/capris but not sure how much longer I can get away with that!  Come on fall weather...I have lots of cute things I could be wearing if it would cool down a bit.

Worries:  Hoping and praying my shots work as well this time around!!!

What I'm loving: Feeling some movement, friends who call you just to see how you are feeling and will pull the heavy wagon of kids for you, getting some "new to me" maternity clothes from a friend for the fall

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last day of "summer"

I decided on our last day of summer vacation (Labor day) I would take the kids to a beach near our home.  I was feeling pretty good and the kids were so excited to go swimming.  I didn't take that many pictures because camera in water is not a good idea:)  The kids were awesome listeners and had so much fun.  Now I'm wishing we would have gone more...

The sandcastle creation was all Brendan's idea.  We made the river around and then he added the castles and Lila found shells and rocks in the water to decorate.  It is hard to tell in the last picture but Brendan found some lake weed (whatever you call it) and connected the two castles to make the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls.  He wanted me to create the falls but I wasn't quite sure how to construct that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

14 Weeks (Baby 3)

Ok so I wrote this last week...

I see a lot of these weekly pregnancy updates all over blog land and figured I should try and document something for this poor kid.  I don't have a 14 week picture yet but will add one later (hopefully before baby is born).

I get these weekly emails to kind of keep me on track so I'm not "How far along am I again?" and as of today I'm 14 weeks (second trimester).  This is what the baby is learning...


This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.

How big is baby: The size of a lemon

Weight gain/loss: Using my scale 0lbs since my last appointment.  I go Friday so I'll find out a more accurate number.  I found out that I gained back the weight I had lost at 10 week appointment and so I am up .5lbs.

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I need to be more consistent in going to bed earlier.  I stay up late every night because it is quiet.  Don't I know if I go to sleep it is quiet too.  Luckily once I fall asleep I sleep soundly through the night.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  I'm trying to be better about eating more fruits and vegetables but that doesn't always happen.  The only real craving I've had so far is for pop.  I never drank much pop before it just really hits the spots some evenings.  No real aversions this week.

Symptoms: Still sick and throwing up randomly throughout the day.  It is better than it was 2 weeks ago.

Exercise:  I went for a walk the other evening with my friend, chasing my kids around:)

Gender:  As of now we are going for a surprise.  We found out with the other two and my husband really wants to not find out.

Movement:  I thought I felt a few flutters the other evening but haven't felt it since so who knows.

The belly:  Beginning to pop out more and more.  My buttons are starting to get hard to button.

Worries:  How I'll handle 3 kids once this one is born.  Hoping my shots work this time around too.  I start in a few weeks.

What I'm loving: How excited Lila is to be a big sister!  She talks baby all day long.  Excited to wear my maternity clothes again.  It's like getting a new fall wardrobe!  Not having to suck my stomach in:)  Friends dropping off treats in my mailbox for the baby...oh wait me:)

14 weeks and few days: 9-1-12

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st grade

Well this morning I put my "baby" on the bus for the second year of school.  No tears (from me) and lots of laughter.  We are at a new bus stop in our neighborhood and Brendan's very good friend is riding the bus as well.  I'm so much more relaxed now that he's in first and not kindergarten and I even laughed when his teacher said sometimes she puts kids on the wrong bus.  Last year I would have called the school just as a reminder to what bus he rides. This year it was funny:)  I think she was joking.

Happy 2012-2013 school year to my Sandburg Bluejay!