Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Today I'm say So What to the following...

  • Yesterday my 2 year old acted like a crazy person at my ob appointment.  She turned her sweetness on when the doctor walked in and told her she was pretty.  Traitor.  We left and she pushed the elevator button (after I told her not to push it) and then threw her toys in.  
  • She also called out "Mommy don't hit me!"  while I put her jacket on. 
  • I'm also still on bed rest until I get my ultrasound and of course I lost the slip sometime between my doctor's office and car with crazy toddler on the prowl
  • I just have to stay home and pass candy out tonight.  How sad.  Supposed to be 40 and rainy.  I was really really looking forward to walking around our neighborhood too.
  • I laugh when I read blogs and the parent says they think their kids are so perfect is because they love them so much and that is why they are so good.  Still funny to me.  I want to comment.  Watch out!!!
  •  I also get annoyed at all the normal pregnant people who are complaining about normal pregnant things like being full-term and wishing their baby would just be born.  I wishing I can just get there.
  • Oh well if I sound grouchy.  You would too if you could just sit on your couch and watch Caillou for hours with your 2 year old.
  • We never went to a pumpkin patch and got pumpkins as a family.  
  • The kids and I attempted carving pumpkins but Brendan was not interested and Lila kept waving a knife around.  We ended up with a little pumpkin with an "L" for Lila and a big pumpkin with a "4".
  • The "4" pumpkin was supposed to say "24" for our son's favorite Detroit Tiger and then they lost the World Series before we finished it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

21 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

Hello 21 week baby!

Thanks to the fun bed rest/cramps/pressure this past week I've gotten behind.  So for 21 weeks enjoy the picture:)  Since I'm almost 23 weeks now.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Those dreaded words...

Bed rest.

Yup.  Bed rest again.  I was on modified bed rest with our daughter (our second) from 24-36 weeks.  Just as a precaution because our son (our first) was born at 30 weeks.  It went beautifully and we had a healthy baby born exactly on her due date thanks to my doctors and 17 weeks of butt shots.

Now we are expecting our third and following the same regimen.  Butt shots and bed rest.  I was supposed to start bed rest around 28 weeks because it went so smoothly last time and my doctors were being a little more lenient.  That put me at the being of December.  They told me I could take care of myself, the kids, simple household chores (loading/emptying dishwasher and folding laundry) and to lounge a lot.  I took that as I could go grocery shopping, be on my feet all day, and go up and down our stairs. 

Big mistake on my part.  Big.  I ended up last Wednesday evening having timed contractions for about 30 minutes and lots of pain/pressure.  I saw my doctor on Thursday for my bi-weekly cervical check (I know it is even more fun than it sounds) and butt shot and told him what was happening.  He said to call them back if I felt more but he felt my cervix was fine. 

Well that night and into the next morning I felt more so I called back and they instructed me to go to the hospital.  I said, how about I come to the office instead and I had another cervical check and he administered a "fetal fibronectin" (spelling anyone?) test.  This test checks for a certain protein and can tell if you will be going into labor in the next week.  It is basically a long cotton swab that they swipe for samples from your cervix.  Lovely.  Well he still sent me to the hospital where my main doctor happened to be so I could be monitored for contractions.

I get to the hospital to register where the two most hilarious older woman happen to be working.  I think my registration took about 10 minutes longer than necessary because I was hearing all the hospital politics.  They were also sisters.  When I finally made it to triage I was hooked up right away and had the nicest nurse taking care of me.  Baby's heart rate was great and he/she kept bouncing around.  I was on the monitors for about 45 minutes and thankfully it was not picking up regular contractions.  Just a few blips here and there. 

My doctor came in to see me and asked what kind of trouble I was getting in too.  I was terrified he was going to yell at me.  Even though he is definitely not one who would yell.  More scolded maybe.  He checked my cervix again and was confident to send me home on bed rest for weekend and to come in on Tuesday for another cervical check and to schedule an ultrasound for cervical length.

So my 2 year old ended up being sick this weekend and the two of us hung out on the couch and watched Caillou, Mickey Mouse, Poppy Cat, and Chloe's Closet for endless hours.  Thankfully Brendan and Jason had a fun weekend:)

Friday, October 26, 2012

October randoms

Here are a few things we've done this month...

Gave Lila piggy rides

Decorated cookies

Enjoyed some lovely sunny fall days

Sunday soccer.  I should have done a close-up of the three little guys in red.  They had looks of fear on their face.

Celebrated my mom's birthday.  Thanks for taking the picture mom:)
Happy Birthday Mom!  You made it to another one!

Lila threw up for 36 hours

We got "Boo-ed"

Brendan had his 1st elementary school field trip

Lila looked cute for camera

We got a surprise in the mail from my very special aunt

They both looked and smile for a picture
Celebrated this little guy's 1st birthday!!!

Saw a new bird at our feeder...the red-breasted nuthatch

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What every 6 year old wants to be for Halloween...

I know most 6-7 year old boys are all going to be superheroes, power rangers, ninja turtles, or characters we don't even know.  Brendan has never been into things like that.  He loves sports and birds.  Plain and simple. 

He's been a sports kid since he could throw.  I'm sure he's had some influence from his sports-loving parents and the fact that ESPN is my husband's favorite channel.  He's a die hard (Brendan) Michigan, Tigers, Lions, and Pistons fan.  He has a favorite player on every team and acts out games in our living room every day.

Birds he has loved since last year when we saw 2 bald eagles at my mom's house.  We started researching them and it kind of spiraled from there.  He watched the movie, A Big Year, this spring and fell in love!  I lost track of the amount of times we've watched that movie.  He started his own list and is up to 70 something birds we've seen in the area.  Ok a few are from the zoo.  We can't travel to far off places to add to our list though.

So for Halloween he decided he wanted to be a bird.  He didn't know which one though.  He has many favorites.  The bald eagle, mallard, blue jay, and great gray owl.  The last on that list won.  Now where does one find a great gray owl costume for a 6 year old?  You don't.  Your son says something sweet like,

"I know you can make me one mommy."

So after one gray sweatshirt, 2.5 yards of felt, 2 bottles of liquid stitch, several back-breaking hours on the floor, and one hat made by a dear friend....

We end up with Brendan's Great Gray Owl costume of 2012

Jason said last night that he is pretty sure Brendan is the only kid being a great gray owl for Halloween this year. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday
I found this through another blog I enjoy reading. This just fits my mood today.

  • So what that I sat at my mom's yesterday and we had a whine/complain fest about all things that annoy us.  Like people/facebook/people/ get the picture
  • So what that I think we spent more making Brendan an owl costume than if we had actually looked for one online.  I spent almost $10 alone on Liquid stitch.
  • So what that I was crying at 7:30 this morning because I tossed and turned all night from sitting on the floor finishing this damn owl costume.  My back hurt and it still does.
  • So what that it is almost 1:30pm and I'm still in my bathrobe and not showered. 
  • So what that this might very well be one of the last nice days until Spring 2013 and Lila and I sat and watched shows all morning.
  • So what that I really wish I would say the things I think in my head sometimes.  Like out loud to people when they say stupid things and I overhear them.
  • So what that I am worried my doctors are going to put me on bed rest earlier than 28 weeks because of all the cramps I've been feeling.  Maybe they will send a full-time nanny to take care of my wild 2 year old.  I should ask.
  • So what that it took me 3 weeks to finally upload my pictures onto the computer.
  • So what that my husband thinks I'm crazy because of this squirrel in my backyard.  I envision having a show down with this animal and hitting it with a shovel.  But I fear the squirrel would just grab it out of my hands and laugh at me.
  • So what that the above bullet does in fact make me think I am crazy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

20 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

20 weeks...the halfway point!  This time around it seems to be flying!  Probably because we are so busy with Brendan and Lila.  Brendan it seems has all sorts of nightly activities. Ok or two and soccer will be ending this week.  On with my 20 week update...

 (I have a picture on my camera all the previous weeks!  This has been in my drafts for 4 days now and I'll just post it.)

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, You're at the halfway mark — congratulations! Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (The way your baby is measured changes now.) He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (although some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 10lbs)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Still falling asleep on the couch.  Lila had a stomach bug this week and we spent a couple nights out in the living room on the floor/couch.  The Tigers have been playing late play-off games and I fall asleep on the couch.  I still need that body pillow...

Diet/cravings/aversions: With pumpkin season here I am in need of some roasted pumpkin seeds!!!  I remember craving them when I was pregnant with Lila as well.  I decided to reign in my pop addiction and picked up some of my favorite sparkling water the other day.  0 calories is much better than 140 calories plus a ton of sugar.

Symptoms: Still experiencing the hot flashes.  My doctor told me it was because of the progesterone shots I receive weekly:)  Lovely.  Started getting sick again this week.  Gotta love when throw up is a normal part of your day.  Feeling Braxton Hicks contractions already

Exercise:  Walked to bus stop maybe once or twice.  It is causing more cramps and my doctors definitely do not want that happening.  She told me this week I should be lounging as much as possible.

Gender:Surprise!  I'm starting to think boy more and more.  Maybe because we can't decide on a girl name or Lila is so adamant it is baby sister.  I am just thinking it will be a brother.

Movement:  Lots of movement

The belly:  Getting bigger

Worries:  I get worried because I keep feeling the cramping/tightening.  My doctor did ease my mind when she said it is about being able to time them and the regularity of them.  Not just a random one here and there.  Plus I have my cervix checked bi-weekly so we will know right away if there is any changes and take action from there.

What I'm loving: Feeling lots of baby kicks

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday sickness

After a fun evening celebrating my mom's 62nd birthday with the family, an extremely long and tedious Tiger baseball game, and sleeping in until 10:15am...

I thought Sunday was going to be a great day.  Watch Brendan play some soccer, relax some more, watch more Tiger baseball, etc...


Lila has been throwing up since 11am.

For the record, she also was giving out "kissies" last night to all of her family members.  There were 14 of us.  Her aunt got 3 "kissies" and her uncle gave her a dollar for one.

Hopefully this doesn't turn into the Great Christmas Plague of 2011 that we all experienced after a fun-filled evening together...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

19 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

My belly picture is still on my camera awaiting the upload.  Instead for 19 weeks you are treated to a VERY excited big sister-to-be Lila "holding" her baby.

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato.  (Our ultrasound measured the baby around 10 ounces)

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 9lbs)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep:  Falling asleep in the evening is getting a bit more uncomfortable now that the belly is growing and I like to sleep on my side.  I need to invest in a new body pillow to help.  I only took one nap this weekend.  I did fall asleep on the couch last night and slept surprisingly well.  I had my feet propped up on some pillows and it was so comfortable.

Diet/cravings/aversions: Cherry 7 Up was my craving this week and I was so disappointed when I drank it.  I haven't had it in years and they must have come up with a new recipe.  It wasn't very good.

Symptoms: I guess with each new pregnancy you get a new symptom.  This time around it is hot flashes.  Oh my word!  I had one at the doctor's two weeks ago and they thought I was about to pass out and since then I've gotten them increasingly more.  I was out to lunch with a couple friends yesterday and luckily had a tank top on under my cardigan:)

I also need to get a pregnancy support belt because of the tightening/cramping I've been feeling.  I went to try one on and they did not have my size.  Will be going back later this week.

Exercise: Still walking to bus stop. Jason is working at a new nature center some evenings/weekends so the kids and I went up to visit.  They have a beautiful path they we walked for a short while.  It is 1.5 miles but we only walked a portion of that. 

Gender: We had our ultrasound and did not find out.  We didn't get any glimpses so no chance to guess.  Lila is still dead set on a sister.  Brendan has been saying sister because I'm throwing up like I did with Lila.

Movement:  Baby is getting stronger and the movements bigger!

The belly:  Growing!  I did invest in some of the Palmer's cream.  It is wonderful.

Worries: No real worries this week.

What I'm loving: Seeing our healthy little baby on the screen, feeling more movement

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday morning randoms

Today is one of those rare mornings where Lila decided to sleep in.  After I got Brendan and Jason out the door for school and work, I tip-toed into her room expecting to hear,

"Hi Momma!"

I was greeted with a soft snore and her butt up in the air.  I quietly backed out of her room to prepare my coffee and breakfast, which I got to eat while catching up on my Internet reads.  Here it is a full 30 minutes later and she's still snoozing away.  Or if she's up she's playing with her babies in bed.  All 30 of them.

So instead of being productive and taking a shower, or putting laundry away, or starting the dishwasher.  I'm sitting here taking a few minutes to reflect.

1.  Lila all of a sudden is a potty-trained kid.  It literally happened overnight.  She just got it and decided to use the potty all the time.  We've been trying on and off for months.  Like Christmas 2011 when she got her first Dora potty seat.  She tells us when she has to go.  She's been keeping her undies or pull-up dry throughout the day and she'll use a bathroom at a store or restaurant.  I'm still amazed at how it just clicked all of a sudden.
Her completed chart.  She filled both sides up and then I didn't make another.  She'd be rich from all the nickels she was earning!

2.  Brendan was in a reading mood last night before bed.  He read me 4 of his sight word books and then he asked if he could read 4 books to Jason.  Proud of my reader.  I hope he continues his love of reading as he grows up.

3. To keep bragging about my kids (good thing grandma reads this and will agree because who else really wants to read about parents bragging about their kids...)  Brendan is having a great soccer season.  Jason is the coach again and was complimented last week after the game by a parent from the opposing team.  He told him that he was doing an amazing job with the kids and to keep up the good work.  Brendan's team has two rules: Try your best and have fun.  He tries to not make it about scoring goals and winning and last year the kids lost all but one game.  They had fun though!  This year their hard work is paying off and they are undefeated so far.  I guess I was bragging about Jason.  I should send him this so he can read it.
One of the nice and sunny Sunday soccer pictures.

4.  Waking up around 5:45am with your 6 year old standing in your room and not talking is creepy.  I think I even said,

"Brendan you are creeping me out.  What are you doing?"

The power had gone off at sometime overnight and his clock had the wrong time.  He wanted me to come fix it.  I told him I would when it was time to get up.  Good thing I use my cell for an alarm and not the alarm clock.  We would have been hours behind this morning.

5.  I should go check on Lila.

6. I just have to shake my head at certain people and laugh.  Mom, shake your head and laugh too.

7.  I need to go get Lila now.  I just heard her yell my name.

Friday, October 5, 2012

18 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

My mom told me today the baby needs a name other than "it" or "the baby".  So I told her the new baby name is "Baby Thrice" (is that even how you spell it.  I'm not taking the time to look it up either.).  Thrice because it is our third and it makes me think of an episode of Golden Girls.  Really that is a good enough reason right there and if you know what episode you are awesome.

On to Week 18 stats...

18 weeks 2 days

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces.

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 8lbs...somewhere I lost some lbs and didn't factor them in.)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Needed extra naps this weekend.  Like almost 6 hours worth of naps between Saturday and Sunday.  Sleeping well at night which is good and trying to go to bed before midnight.

Diet/cravings/aversions: No real aversions.  I was craving ice cream bars so Jason actually went and got me some.  He really went to use his coupons.  Who am I kidding here?

Symptoms: The nasty sinus stuff.  I think everyone I know is suffering from this in the Great Lakes Region.  Pounding headaches, runny nose, cough, and congestion.  It makes for a lovely picture in the morning when I wake up and it drains to my throat. 

Exercise: Still walking to bus stop.  We went on a nature walk this past Saturday at a local park.  It was lovely.

Gender: Still a surprise.  I'm 50/50 so that basically means I have no idea.

Movement:  Lots of kicks, jabs, and rolls.  Baby loves to move.

The belly: Getting bigger by the day and starting to get itching.  I need to invest in some of the Palmer's belly lotion.

Worries: My worries were eased after having my cervix checked twice in the last week.  It is all closed up like it should be.  I need to find the support band like she told me to help with tightening/cramps I get.  Trying to agree on a girl name.  We've spent far too much time on this already.

What I'm loving: Naps, naps, naps:)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby #3 World Debut!

I'll let the pictures tell the story...

A healthy and developing little baby. 

Still a surprise!  

She asked and we said "No we do not want to find out."  She avoided the gender area and we didn't even catch a glimpse for a guess.  I thought it would be so hard to not find out since we found out with Brendan and Lila.  I was surprised how exciting I found it and kept looking away because I didn't want a glimpse.  This was until she told me she would not even "go there":)

Baby is estimated about 10 ounces right now.

Lila is still sure it is her sister.