Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When you need a little motivation

I finally caught the kids cold.  At first I figured it was just my sinuses, the weather, spring, etc...

Nope.  I have nasty drainage, hacking cough, and hoarse voice (mostly in morning and at night).

(Mom I hope you are feeling ok since we have been around you a lot this week.  A cold for me is just a cold.  For you though it could be much more serious.)

Well the other morning I had made plans with a friend to attend a marshmallow drop and then go to the zoo.  I woke up and wanted nothing more to lay back down and wallow in my misfortune of not feeling well and let the kids do whatever all morning.  So I called my friend to tell her how I'm not feeling well and she tells me to just get moving, make some horrible noises to get the gunk out, and get moving.

The clock told me I had about 45 minutes to get myself and both kids out the door.  I casually asked Brendan what he thought about going to a park and watching a helicopter drop thousands of marshmallows. \

 His little face lite up "That would be awesome mom!"

So we scrambled around getting dressed, eating breakfast, packing our lunch for the zoo, and got out the door at the same time my friend called to say they had just left.  The kids chatted excitedly the drive down and were (for once) on their absolute best behavior.  Lila would call out "mallows!!!" and Brendan would tell her, "Remember you just need to get one marshmallow.  Not all of them."

Once we arrived at the event (we had no idea it was so huge!) and found our spot in the right age group (0-4 because 3 out of the 5 kids fit into this group) we waited.  The kids were doing great.  We had to explain we needed to stay together because of all the people and everyone would get a marshmallow.

 It was not long until we heard the familiar whirring of the helicopter in the distance and our group was set to go.  We all looked with our eyes to the sky as it circled around to the park and then finally dropping huge bags full of marshmallows for the kids.

 Lila picked up the first marshmallow she came across and began eating it and Brendan was more careful to choose.  A swarm of adults closed in around us and Brendan was separated from us for a few seconds.  I, of course, begin frantically calling out "Brendan! Brendan!" and reach around to see him just standing there looking for me.  I gave him a quick hug and told him I was thankful that we found each other right away and that he stayed in one spot.

This was just the 0-4 group

They were able to trade their marshmallows in for a treat bag.  Lila ate most of hers by the time we made it through the long lines.  Yes, she ate a marshmallow that was thrown out of a helicopter onto the grass.  You'll let your second child do anything:)  Our whole time at the drop was less than an hour.  We were able to get in and out and spend the rest of the morning/afternoon at the nearby zoo.

I'm so glad that I did take my friend's advice and got moving.  We had a wonderful day and enjoyed lots of fresh spring air.

About 9pm that night I was back to coughing and hacking.  It was nice that our friends were over for game night and got to witness it:)

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