Friday, May 4, 2012


My mom has amazing faith.  She knows that God has a path for her to follow and she is along for the ride.  Her attitude astounds me and her positive outlook on life is just that.  Positive.  She is facing so many struggles and she just keeps on going with a smile on her face. 

The other day she received that life-changing phone call for a second time.  We rushed and waited and prayed.  She had a time.  7pm.  She was on the road to her NEW life. 

The news she received next was so disappointing.  It would not proceed and she would go back home to wait.  We prayed and cried some more before we saw her.  We were told she was upset.  Then the amazing thing is when we went back to see her, she was laughing and smiling.  It was infectious.  We did the same.  Pretty soon we were sure we were being kicked out of the ICU.  The nurses loved it and asked if we could go around and cheer up the others.

They were amazed by her support.  There were 10 of us total and most in our themed t-shirts.  We were told most families do not have this type of support.  It is just what we do.  We are there to lift her UP and she is there to show us how God always has a plan. 

"Third times a charm" is our new motto.

We have faith.  It will happen.  In God's plan though not ours.

To quote my uncle at the end of this ordeal in our journal we are keeping...

"Oh Shit"

We love you mom!


  1. I love your too, Laughing and crying at the same time is the best.

  2. Not sure what's wrong with your mom, but I'll pray for her!
