Thursday, October 25, 2012

What every 6 year old wants to be for Halloween...

I know most 6-7 year old boys are all going to be superheroes, power rangers, ninja turtles, or characters we don't even know.  Brendan has never been into things like that.  He loves sports and birds.  Plain and simple. 

He's been a sports kid since he could throw.  I'm sure he's had some influence from his sports-loving parents and the fact that ESPN is my husband's favorite channel.  He's a die hard (Brendan) Michigan, Tigers, Lions, and Pistons fan.  He has a favorite player on every team and acts out games in our living room every day.

Birds he has loved since last year when we saw 2 bald eagles at my mom's house.  We started researching them and it kind of spiraled from there.  He watched the movie, A Big Year, this spring and fell in love!  I lost track of the amount of times we've watched that movie.  He started his own list and is up to 70 something birds we've seen in the area.  Ok a few are from the zoo.  We can't travel to far off places to add to our list though.

So for Halloween he decided he wanted to be a bird.  He didn't know which one though.  He has many favorites.  The bald eagle, mallard, blue jay, and great gray owl.  The last on that list won.  Now where does one find a great gray owl costume for a 6 year old?  You don't.  Your son says something sweet like,

"I know you can make me one mommy."

So after one gray sweatshirt, 2.5 yards of felt, 2 bottles of liquid stitch, several back-breaking hours on the floor, and one hat made by a dear friend....

We end up with Brendan's Great Gray Owl costume of 2012

Jason said last night that he is pretty sure Brendan is the only kid being a great gray owl for Halloween this year. 


  1. Love that boy's imagination and your great work at making his wishes come true. Pretty sure he is the only kid being a great gray owl.

  2. Wow. Great costume! Way to go!
