Wednesday, October 10, 2012

19 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

My belly picture is still on my camera awaiting the upload.  Instead for 19 weeks you are treated to a VERY excited big sister-to-be Lila "holding" her baby.

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato.  (Our ultrasound measured the baby around 10 ounces)

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 9lbs)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep:  Falling asleep in the evening is getting a bit more uncomfortable now that the belly is growing and I like to sleep on my side.  I need to invest in a new body pillow to help.  I only took one nap this weekend.  I did fall asleep on the couch last night and slept surprisingly well.  I had my feet propped up on some pillows and it was so comfortable.

Diet/cravings/aversions: Cherry 7 Up was my craving this week and I was so disappointed when I drank it.  I haven't had it in years and they must have come up with a new recipe.  It wasn't very good.

Symptoms: I guess with each new pregnancy you get a new symptom.  This time around it is hot flashes.  Oh my word!  I had one at the doctor's two weeks ago and they thought I was about to pass out and since then I've gotten them increasingly more.  I was out to lunch with a couple friends yesterday and luckily had a tank top on under my cardigan:)

I also need to get a pregnancy support belt because of the tightening/cramping I've been feeling.  I went to try one on and they did not have my size.  Will be going back later this week.

Exercise: Still walking to bus stop. Jason is working at a new nature center some evenings/weekends so the kids and I went up to visit.  They have a beautiful path they we walked for a short while.  It is 1.5 miles but we only walked a portion of that. 

Gender: We had our ultrasound and did not find out.  We didn't get any glimpses so no chance to guess.  Lila is still dead set on a sister.  Brendan has been saying sister because I'm throwing up like I did with Lila.

Movement:  Baby is getting stronger and the movements bigger!

The belly:  Growing!  I did invest in some of the Palmer's cream.  It is wonderful.

Worries: No real worries this week.

What I'm loving: Seeing our healthy little baby on the screen, feeling more movement

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