Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday sickness

After a fun evening celebrating my mom's 62nd birthday with the family, an extremely long and tedious Tiger baseball game, and sleeping in until 10:15am...

I thought Sunday was going to be a great day.  Watch Brendan play some soccer, relax some more, watch more Tiger baseball, etc...


Lila has been throwing up since 11am.

For the record, she also was giving out "kissies" last night to all of her family members.  There were 14 of us.  Her aunt got 3 "kissies" and her uncle gave her a dollar for one.

Hopefully this doesn't turn into the Great Christmas Plague of 2011 that we all experienced after a fun-filled evening together...

1 comment:

  1. Christmas Plague was the first thing I thought of when you called to say she was sick. Hope she feels better in the morning.
