Friday, October 5, 2012

18 Weeks (Baby Thrice)

My mom told me today the baby needs a name other than "it" or "the baby".  So I told her the new baby name is "Baby Thrice" (is that even how you spell it.  I'm not taking the time to look it up either.).  Thrice because it is our third and it makes me think of an episode of Golden Girls.  Really that is a good enough reason right there and if you know what episode you are awesome.

On to Week 18 stats...

18 weeks 2 days

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces.

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 8lbs...somewhere I lost some lbs and didn't factor them in.)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Needed extra naps this weekend.  Like almost 6 hours worth of naps between Saturday and Sunday.  Sleeping well at night which is good and trying to go to bed before midnight.

Diet/cravings/aversions: No real aversions.  I was craving ice cream bars so Jason actually went and got me some.  He really went to use his coupons.  Who am I kidding here?

Symptoms: The nasty sinus stuff.  I think everyone I know is suffering from this in the Great Lakes Region.  Pounding headaches, runny nose, cough, and congestion.  It makes for a lovely picture in the morning when I wake up and it drains to my throat. 

Exercise: Still walking to bus stop.  We went on a nature walk this past Saturday at a local park.  It was lovely.

Gender: Still a surprise.  I'm 50/50 so that basically means I have no idea.

Movement:  Lots of kicks, jabs, and rolls.  Baby loves to move.

The belly: Getting bigger by the day and starting to get itching.  I need to invest in some of the Palmer's belly lotion.

Worries: My worries were eased after having my cervix checked twice in the last week.  It is all closed up like it should be.  I need to find the support band like she told me to help with tightening/cramps I get.  Trying to agree on a girl name.  We've spent far too much time on this already.

What I'm loving: Naps, naps, naps:)

1 comment:

  1. Thrice is a beautiful baby, and your spelling is correct. Love you
