Sunday, December 9, 2012

The icing on the cake...

So after my post on Tuesday about crazy little Lila, I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday.  This resulted in my doctor finding out I'm 1 cm dilated and I got to spend a fun-filled and all-inclusive stay at my hospital.

The good news...

  • I'm not contracting.
  • Baby is fabulous.
  • My 2nd fetal fibronectin test came back negative which means I have less than a 20% chance of going into labor in the next two weeks.
  • I received two doses of steroids for the baby's lungs in case I go into labor in the next several weeks.  This way they do not have to worry about rushing/stopping labor to get me these shots.
  • I'm also on a medication that is supposed to calm your uterus from contracting.  This is also precautionary since I am not contracting and will likely just be taking this until Thursday.
  • My doctors are on top of this and I trust them completely.  I'm glad they are so cautious.
  • We've had lots of help and are so thankful for our family.

The not so fun news...

  • I'm not really allowed to leave my house unless it is to go to the doctor.
  • My poor husband has so much more to do now with everything around the house and working.
  • He's also terrified I will go into labor.  I'm trying to reassure him:)
  • I'm worried about being put back into the hospital if they notice more changes.  I'm only 28 weeks and there is a long time to go still.
  • We were blessed with a miracle preemie before and now we know the reality of having a preemie and I cannot imagine going through it again. 

My mom did put things into perspective while I was in the hospital.  At least I didn't have to share my food with Lila:)

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