Monday, December 3, 2012

And I've reached that point...

I was so hopeful this pregnancy when my doctor told me he'd be more lenient since my pregnancy with Lila went so beautifully.

I was so hopeful when he seemed so relaxed and calm this time around.

I was so hopeful to make it to 28 weeks before we even started discussing bed rest.

Well Baby Thrice has its own plans.  This started about 22 weeks when I had contractions one evening for about 45 minutes.  This lead to a couple of painful cervical checks (note: do not see that doctor again!), an observation at the hospital, and my first taste of bed rest this time around.

Things started looking up again when everything was fine, my cervix is fine, my ultrasound was fine, my doctor was again was like, "You can do some housework if you want." (ummm....what an incentive), and I got to be as "normal" as they will let me.

Then my 26 week appointment came and my other doctor was so proud of how great things were looking, my cervix was beautiful, I was following directions of resting, and let's do this fetal fibroncectin test just to have the icing on the cake with a negative.

Well it turned out positive which basically means absolutely nothing expect it isn't the 99.9% negative you won't go into labor in the next two weeks.

This resulted in my doctor telling me to take it easy until my 27 week appointment to get my shot and see my doctor.

27 weeks comes and my doctor tells me I'm one contraction away from going to the hospital to be on bed rest.  He tells me to cut my activity level to about zero during the day (fun with a 2 year old at home) and basically just stay at home unless I'm coming to the doctor.  He says he knows it is hard but it is better than him putting me in the hospital for the next few weeks.  He then conversationally asked how many kids Jason and I wanted to have.  Like this is really enticing to want to have another...

Baby Thrice is doing wonderful.  He/she bounces around all the time and is my nightly entertainment.  My husband is taking the best care of me and yells if I stand up for too long.  I told him I am allowed to go to the bathroom and get something to eat.  Luckily Lila is an easy child during the day.  She likes to do a lot of sit down activities and likes to play doctor so mommy feels better.  It is also great having an almost 7 year old because he can do a lot of things for me as well.

Please just say a quick prayer for us that this baby does NOT decide to arrive early in big brother Brendan fashion and that I stay out of the hospital because at least when I'm at home I can still take care of Lila and getting Brendan from the school bus each day.

(Oh and Heidi this is for you...I gained 3lbs at my last appointment from the week before!!!  They told me I'd start packing the pounds on now.  Fun!)

1 comment:

  1. HA!!! Wow, Marie...a whole 3 pounds. You're sure "packing the pounds". hehehehe ;)
    I'll pray for you today!
