Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I believe Lila will be the reason...

if I go into labor early.  This kid has a personality that is 2 going on 15.  She's bossy, demanding, naughty, dramatic, and just plain crazy sometimes.

She has even begun to "boss" Brendan around if he is disobeying us.  Just the other day she said this to him,

"Brendan if you grumpy just go to your room."

Hilarious.  Yes.  Acceptable behavior.  No.

Friday evening she was "supposed" to be sitting on her bed in time out for jumping on the couches and not stopping when asked.  Brendan and I were in the living room wrapping our pictures in decorative Christmas paper to spruce up our walls.  The next thing we hear is a big thud and Lila crying.  I called to her what happened and she responds with,

"I don't know." (her favorite phrase)

So Brendan and I go investigate and find naughty Ms.Lila with her baby stroller pushed up to her dresser and her snow globe shattered on the floor.  A big puddle of water, glitter, and glass.  Awesome.

Today I was talking to my mom on the phone and Lila threw my rice heating pad across the living room and knocked our lamp right off the end table.  The lamp broke but it still works.

One day I will laugh about her antics.  Just not right now.  You can laugh mom...I know you always do and you'll remind me later how I acted the same way.

Her "Don't I look innocent posing with Connor and a "candy corn" (what she calls candy canes)"

**edited to add**
Not 30 minutes after I wrote this while we were in the car at the bus stop, Lila unhooked her car seat belt and the seat belt that holds her car seat into the car.  Luckily we were not driving.

1 comment:

  1. Marie I am laughing. Someday you will have a grandchild acting the same way and you will laugh. Hopefully you will say Mom was right this is funny.
