Friday, December 28, 2012

A little easier

We finally entered the technology age. My husband surprised me with an IPad for Christmas. I can now check email from my couch which is good for my bed rest. I was most surprised since he does not like to spend money:). I am still trying to figure it out. So far I got onto Facebook and downloaded some apps. Plus this blog post.

The kids had tons of fun opening presents. Each toy was Lila's favorite and Brendan kept hoping Santa was bringing him a nerf gun...except he never asked Santa for one! Luckily his uncles came through and he got two different kinds.

Lila got to the dentist today and we were referred to a pediatric dentist. She did amazing for her first visit. We will find out more in two weeks.

Brendan is being a nice big brother. Not knocking her down anymore.

Next doctor visit in the morning. 31 weeks which means I made it a week further than Brendan.

Look I even posted a few pictures I took with the IPad. The top two are from Christmas day and the last is from the snowstorm we had Wednesday. Glad I just had to watch it from the couch.

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