Sunday, December 30, 2012

Heaven gained a beautiful soul

My beautiful Aunt Kathy went to heaven today, December 30.  She reached her goal to see her son marry his new bride.  She was a true inspiration to many and shared her journey of pancreatic cancer with friends, family, and many that she had not met.  She fought a tough battle and keep an upbeat attitude and strong faith over the past year.

I had many conversations with her over the last year.  From when she called to share the news to silly texts about her squirrel friend.  She always asked how I was doing and my mom.  When I shared the news we were expecting again she was so excited and would always ask how I felt when we talked.  She even joked once that she was glad she was not pregnant and throwing up.

She also was always sending us little gifts in the mail.  Brendan received a book, Lila got some official Ohio buckeyes, and  Jason and I an OSU/UM flag.  Sometimes it was a card just letting us know she was thinking of us.

She touched so many lives in the last year and now she can rejoice in Heaven cancer and pain free.

You will be missed Aunt Kathy. We all love you so much.


  1. She had all those questions for God. Wonder how that worked out. I have to think of all the talks we had and laugh about what we talked about. I miss her so.
