Monday, December 24, 2012

Just a little sibling love

So we thought we would have a low-key Christmas.  We don't travel anymore around the holidays because our out of town parties happen earlier in the month and this year I wasn't allowed to travel anyway.  Well our fun low-key party turned into a trip to the ER...

Brendan lovingly knocked his sister down while she was bothering him and her front tooth was knocked back.  Lots of blood, tears, several phone calls, and an ER trip later she is allowed to eat soft food until we get her into the dentist later this week.  It is good to have a good friend who is a dental hygienist and a best friend whose mother is a dental hygienist.  Apparently nothing can be done until the trauma to the tooth calms down and she'll have an x-ray to determine the extent of the damage done.  They may be able to save her tooth by pushing it forward or a baby root canal to not lose the tooth.  Hopefully she won't have a toothless smile for the next 4-5 years when that adult tooth would finally come in.

She's getting lots of attention and ice cream.  So basically milking this for all it is worth.

Oh sibling love...I can't wait until we throw a third one in the mix!

Merry Christmas Eve!  Hopefully no trips to the ER are in your future (unless you get called for transplant Mom...we'll make that trip for sure!)

1 comment:

  1. They were making memories for you ;). Thanks Marie, Jason would have to drive.
