Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh Brendan

This past weekend Brendan was such a sweet kid.  He was acting like "school Brendan" at home.  This is where he listens, follows directions, and doesn't whine.  He was so proud of himself and kept saying how great he was being for us.

Sunday night after Lila (the crazy one) went to bed, Brendan was asking some questions about the new baby.  Most importantly when it will be born.  I explained about the baby's due date at the end of February and said it will hopefully be born close to that day.  This got him asking about Lila's due date and also his due date.  He knows he was born early and had to stay in the hospital.  I was not expecting this response though when I asked why he wanted out 10 weeks early.

"Mommy I just wanted to see the world and there were no shows in there.  I wanted to watch shows."

Thanks for clearing that up for us Brendan.  No shows!  Maybe if I had a tv installed in my uterus he would have stayed put awhile longer...

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