Wednesday, September 12, 2012

15 weeks (Baby 3)

I've just completed my 15th week of pregnancy.  Here is how it looked (I mean without a belly picture because I probably forgot to take one)...

How big is baby: The size of an apple

Weight gain/loss: 0 lbs this week (according to scale at home)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I fell asleep a lot on the couch in the evening which messed up my nightly sleep.  We have a very comfortable couch so it is hard to get up and go down the hallway.  At least that is what I tell myself.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  Not a lot really sounds good and cooking is a joke.  My poor husband.  I'm glad he doesn't mind that I'm not making a lot of dinners right now.

Symptoms: Was really queasy this week and throwing up a lot more.  Also felt some random pressure/cramping/uncomfortable stomach pains.  The baby brain is in full-force.  I cannot remember a darn thing and it drives me nuts!!!

Exercise:  Walking to the bus stop and pulling both kids home in the wagon uphill.  Counts for me!

Gender:  Still going the surprise route.  I've been saying girl along because my symptoms are so similar to how I felt with Lila.  Jason says boy but he has said that each time, Brendan wants a brother and Lila wants a sister.

Movement:  Felt some definite movement at random times.  Mostly in the evenings.

The belly:  I can still button some shorts/capris but not sure how much longer I can get away with that!  Come on fall weather...I have lots of cute things I could be wearing if it would cool down a bit.

Worries:  Hoping and praying my shots work as well this time around!!!

What I'm loving: Feeling some movement, friends who call you just to see how you are feeling and will pull the heavy wagon of kids for you, getting some "new to me" maternity clothes from a friend for the fall

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