Wednesday, September 5, 2012

14 Weeks (Baby 3)

Ok so I wrote this last week...

I see a lot of these weekly pregnancy updates all over blog land and figured I should try and document something for this poor kid.  I don't have a 14 week picture yet but will add one later (hopefully before baby is born).

I get these weekly emails to kind of keep me on track so I'm not "How far along am I again?" and as of today I'm 14 weeks (second trimester).  This is what the baby is learning...


This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.

How big is baby: The size of a lemon

Weight gain/loss: Using my scale 0lbs since my last appointment.  I go Friday so I'll find out a more accurate number.  I found out that I gained back the weight I had lost at 10 week appointment and so I am up .5lbs.

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I need to be more consistent in going to bed earlier.  I stay up late every night because it is quiet.  Don't I know if I go to sleep it is quiet too.  Luckily once I fall asleep I sleep soundly through the night.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  I'm trying to be better about eating more fruits and vegetables but that doesn't always happen.  The only real craving I've had so far is for pop.  I never drank much pop before it just really hits the spots some evenings.  No real aversions this week.

Symptoms: Still sick and throwing up randomly throughout the day.  It is better than it was 2 weeks ago.

Exercise:  I went for a walk the other evening with my friend, chasing my kids around:)

Gender:  As of now we are going for a surprise.  We found out with the other two and my husband really wants to not find out.

Movement:  I thought I felt a few flutters the other evening but haven't felt it since so who knows.

The belly:  Beginning to pop out more and more.  My buttons are starting to get hard to button.

Worries:  How I'll handle 3 kids once this one is born.  Hoping my shots work this time around too.  I start in a few weeks.

What I'm loving: How excited Lila is to be a big sister!  She talks baby all day long.  Excited to wear my maternity clothes again.  It's like getting a new fall wardrobe!  Not having to suck my stomach in:)  Friends dropping off treats in my mailbox for the baby...oh wait me:)

14 weeks and few days: 9-1-12

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