Wednesday, September 26, 2012

17 Weeks (Baby #3)

I'm posting these as I finish my 17h week (today I am 18 weeks)...make sense.  I have a picture.  It is on my camera still:)

How big is baby: According to my Baby Center email this week, the baby is the size of a turnip.

Weight gain/loss: +1 lb from last week (weighed at doctor for total of 5.5lbs)

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Sleeping well at night and now making myself go to bed around 10-10:30pm.  If I stay up later I have a harder time falling asleep or end up falling asleep on couch and waking up at 2am confused.

Diet/cravings/aversions:  The only real craving I have is for pop.  I tried drinking a Coke Zero and it tasted so gross.  I need a real Coke or Dr. Pepper to really satisfy that craving. 

Symptoms: After bragging about only being sick once last week, I've been getting more sick this week.  I blame it on my overactive sinus drainage and dripping.  Yuck.

Exercise: Walking to the bus stop and pulling the wagon:)

Gender: Surprise!  I thinking more boy now after strong feelings of a girl for the first 3.5 months.  Guess we will know come February.

Movement:  Lots of movement this week.  Some have been pretty strong.

The belly: Popping out more and more.  There is now way I could button my pants now!  I'm still at that stage where my shirts are too short/snug but maternity tops are too big.

Worries: Still feeling the tightening/cramping every so often.  I was checked this week after my shot and my cervix is all closed up like it should be.  They switched my appointment around this week for my shot so I could see my regular doctor.  He's more strict and I worry he will start my bed rest earlier now than originally planned.

What I'm loving: Sleeping well and baby kicks!

1 comment:

  1. 17 weeks! Woo hoo! I love that you're not finding out the sex of the baby. That's going to be such a fun surprise.
