Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We could have had a craft show...

We had a pretty impressive "swag table" for our annual girls weekend.

I found this image via pinterest and thought it was perfect for our theme, Mamas and Margaritas

Our creations (all goodies found at the Dollar Tree!)

My aunt surprised us with a little something...

a redneck wine glass with a chalkboard base!  She even adorned them with our names.  It is such a fun glass.

Then my sister in law surprised us with these...

Lighted wine bottles!  She's been collecting wine bottles and hoarding strings of lights to create these for all the girls!  This was a bottle I gave her and she just sprayed it with a clear frosted paint and then made different bead designs for each bottle.  I love this so much!

My cousins brought delicious cake pops
Seriously...so good.  I think I ate half of them!

We joked that we could have been at a craft show with all our gifts for one another.  Guess we have a theme for another year!

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