Friday, November 4, 2011

The fun "new" Lila

It has happened...

Lila is in the nosharinggimmeitismineandnotyours stage.  Everything is "Eye-ya's".  Even if you are holding it, eating it, reading it, talking on it, or looking at it.  She will march herself up to you and proclaim it as her own. 

My phone.  She thinks it is "Eye-ya's."

My hot coffee.  Hers.  My breakfast. Hers. My book. Hers.

Then when you don't give into her and say "It is mommy's" that is when the claws come out.  I have been slapped, bite, and now scratched by her because I would not give her what I had.  Lila has become very familiar with the time out corner.

She scratched my neck this morning because I turned the Cat in the Hat off for two minutes to watch a special on organ donation on the Today show.  Then she took my phone when I was talking to my mom and declared it "Eye-ya's" and had a conversation with her about Dora.

Her other new favorite word is NO and no is usually followed by "No Eye-ya's" for any of the above.  This happened a lot yesterday when my friend and her three kids stopped over.  Every toy they touched was followed by "No Eye-ya's!"

Not even going to call it the terrible twos because I know what happens after two when they turn three (horrible threes) and then four (horrific fours).  Five has been much easier (thank you kindergarten!)  She is just asserting herself and knows what she wants:)  Plus it is funnier the second time around and especially when she does this to Brendan.

1 comment:

  1. I did enjoy the Dora conversation this morning. And I can laugh because I don't live with her. The things you say about that sweet little girl.
