Saturday, November 12, 2011

The girls

My aunt (or my second mother) is very special to me.  I grew up watching her and my mom have such a close and special relationship.  We are lucky to have the type of family where we aren't just moms, sisters, aunts, nieces, daughters, and cousins

We are friends.

This weekend I am lucky enough to be spending time with my aunt, mom, sisters, and cousins.  We are doing nothing but eating, drinking, and laughing.  We tell funny stories about our lives and our past.  We talk about our kids and the goofy things they do.  It is our girls only time.  Time when we don't have to worry about the our everyday life.  We get to unwind and relax. 

It happens one weekend each year.  My mom and my aunt showed us girls the importance of family from an early age and now that we are all grown...we are the best of friends.

Love you guys!


  1. That is so sweet! Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day about the good cry, that show Long Island Medium gets me too! Sorry to hear about you losing your dad, that is just not fair. You look like you have a wonderful (and adorable!) family. So fun to "meet" you.
