Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Check and Check!

Over the weekend, Brendan was excited because we were able to start checking some more activities off the bucket list.

First up was decorating and carving pumpkins!  Lila painted her pumpkin while Brendan was at school.  She had so much fun "exploring" the paint.

We carved our pumpkins a couple days later (and after a grouchy Lila went night-night).  I was most excited about the oh-so-delicious pumpkin seeds and Brendan was excited about carving.  He helped me get lots of seeds while Jason cleaned out his pumpkin.  He drew his own face and I helped him carve it out.  He also helped draw my jack-o-lantern face.

Second check was Trick or Treating!  We went to a local church (where our friends attend and Brendan's old preschool) and participated in "Trunk or Treat."  It is such a fun event and there were around 400 people this year!  The kids decorated a bag for collecting treats, walked around the parking lot for trunk or treat, had donuts and cider, and Brendan and Jason went through the haunted tunnel.  Lila was excited to see her best buddy, "Dew".  She stalked him the whole time!

On Halloween, I helped out at Brendan's school for his class party.  They had SO many yummy treats and a fun parade that we ran out of time for the activities/craft!  All the kids in his class are so sweet and his teacher is wonderful.

Last on our list was our neighborhood Trick or Treat.  My mom came over to pass out our candy and we met up with our friends for a few houses.  Brendan was on a mission and would run to any house with a light on and Lila took a slower approach and scored a few extra pieces of candy for being so sweet. 

About halfway through, Brendan declared his legs were tired and we made our way home.  He helped pass the candy out and made sure to tell the kids, "Only one piece!  Only one piece!"  Lila made her way back to our neighbors for a little visit.

We are all exhausted today (at least I am!) and are spending the day relaxing and eating some yummy treats.

1 comment:

  1. I had a good time passing out the treats and seeing the kids in their costumes.
