Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who do you call after Supernanny?


This boy has been not stop crazy since the day he entered this world.  We should have known since he was 10 weeks early.  Impatient much.  He has always been on the go, wild, nuts, loud.  You name it. 

When he was about 15 months old he started the "terrible twos" which quickly became the "torturous threes" then the "frightful fours"...

Five was so much better.  Brendan was amazing at five and then kindergarten happened and we entered the "sassy sixes"...

He is so mouthy and giggles when you try explaining why he cannot act a certain way.  He gets Lila to act naughty all the time.  Their crazy energy feeds of one another and I often feel like that frazzled cartoon mom with her hair sticking out and chaos all around.

Brendan gets time outs, his favorite items taken away, misses out on fun things and sometimes none of this works.  I know he just acts like this for Jason and I and at school he is perfect.  Like the teacher's helper and she just gushes over him.  I have seen it happen.  He walks into that room and an angelic glows surrounds him.  He walks out and those little horns pop out.

I have gotten stares so many times when I have been out with him.  Once when he was 2 having a meltdown and crying LOUDLY, I said to the woman staring at me,

"Please stare more at my crying child throwing a fit.  It is really helpful."

It just kind of popped out.  If I see a parent struggling I offer a smile.  Because we have all been there.  Once at the grocery store a kind woman and her son (he was about 10) said to me,

"Don't worry.  We've all been there and it gets so much better.  You are doing great."

as my 3 year old was running nutso throughout the store touching every darn thing on the shelves.

Luckily Brendan's craziness adds a lot of laughter and love to our home.  He has an amazing imagination and is so sweet when the horns retreat.  He is the best snuggler and often randomly says, "

I love you mom"

which makes it all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Well that sums up Brendan alright. Have to love that crazy Kid.
