Friday, August 10, 2012

Pj day

Today we were blessed with a glorious rainy day.  An all-day soaker.  The rain was just swirling around the state of Michigan.  This day was so wonderful because we spent it in our pj's, ate popcorn for lunch, and took a nap on the couch.  Ok. Maybe I just took a nap on the couch.  My poor husband is going to embark a living room that looks like a tornado hit it when he gets home in 20 minutes.  Oh well.  I emptied and loaded the dishwasher and started the laundry.  That counts for something right?

Brendan and Lila were both so cuddly today and even argued whose cuddles I enjoyed the most and proceeded to try to sit on me.  Not so sweet to get jabbed on a full bladder with bony elbows and knees.

Thank you for your kind comments and congratulations.  The B6 helps with nausea which is something I'm experiencing again with this pregnancy.  I'm also craving Dr.Pepper which is strange because I don't drink pop all that often.  I had a bad bout of heartburn yesterday and then I thought about what I ate all day.  So today I made myself a strawberry/watermelon smoothie for snack.  I feel better I gave the baby some fruit today.  Not just Dr. Pepper, pizza, alfredo, and a milkshake.  Wow that sounds worse after I type it out.

Lila slept in until 10:40am and then took a nap from 3-5:45pm.  She'll probably be up until 10 now.

Mom hope your power stays on.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. I went out to Krogers about 10 am. My power stayed out. I was going to use the e-tanks for awhile if it went off again. Here it is midnight and still awake. I thought it was a beautiful day also.

  2. Hope you got to sleep soon after typing. I was up past midnight as well.
