Tuesday, July 16, 2013

4 months

Someone is now 4 months old...

I took him to his check up last week

Weighs: 15 lbs 7 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (90th percentile)

We were given the go ahead to start solids.  He had rice cereal for the first time a few days ago.
He is sleeping from 8:30pm-7am and takes 2-3 naps a day.  His morning nap is usually the longest at 2-2.5 hours.  He loves napping outside which is awesome because he takes 2-3 naps a week at my best friend's while we are swimming in her pool.
Afternoon pool nap
He is wearing some 6 month and mostly 9 month clothes.  I am sure he could fit into 12 month clothes as well but I am just not ready for my baby to be wearing such big clothes. 
Baby sizes are weird or he is just huge.  He has an 18 month rash guard on here.
He is a Mommy's Boy with capital letters.  He will cry and fuss some days with friends or family and then I take him and he immediately stops or settles down in a few minutes.  He did this at a family party and I felt so bad for Jason's grandma.  She doesn't get to see him that often and he just cried and cried until I held him.
A friend tried holding him while he fussed.  He just wanted to be in my arms.

He smiles all the time and has begun giggling a lot more.  He is usually pretty happy unless he gets tired and just wants to be held for a nap.

He also rolled from tummy to back on the 4th of July.  Two days shy of 4 months.  He has done it several times now.  He is getting pretty close to rolling from stomach to back.  He gets on his side and gets stuck.  He does scoot himself in a circle when he is on his back for playtime.

Your brother and sister are loving you so much!  They are always talking, chatting, kissing, and hugging you.  Brendan tells you all the time how he loves you the most in the family and you are the best.  He will be so excited when the two of you start sharing a room!!!

Loves her baby brother

Brendan upset because his cousin is holding Parker and he wanted too.

Hugging or smothering
In the next month or so we will work on switching bedrooms around and Brendan and Parker will be in a room together and we will see how Parker likes sleeping in the crib.  Right now he is in a rock and play and sleeps so soundly in that thing.  He will also be traveling out of state for a weekend and trying some more new foods!

Love you Parker!

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