Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2 days of hospital bliss

Parker and I had an exceptional time during our hospital stay.  I decided to take the full 2 day visit because when else will I have uninterrupted sleep, meals brought to me, someone taking care of my baby at night, a phone that you just pick up and they will bring you anything you want. 

With Lila I only stayed one night and was anxious to be home.  This time I was begging them to let me stay.  My nurse the morning of discharge almost let me because she said all her other patients were tired and grumpy.  I had gotten 6 hours of peaceful sleep because I sent sweet little Parker to the nursery for a sleepover. 

I fed him around 11ish, changed his diaper, and got him ready for the nursery.  The sweet nurse would come scoop him up around 11:30pm for the night.

The next morning a little after 6am they would wheel him back to my room all cozy and sleepy.  They would also feed them before they brought him back in case I was still sleeping.  He sleep both mornings for another 2 hours!  He was exhausted!

Then I would just cuddle, kiss, talk, and snuggle him until some visitors would come see us.  My mom and a few friends were able to make it up the first day and then Jason and the kids came after Brendan got out of school.


The second night I did the same routine.  Feed, change, and they would swoop in just when I was getting sleepy.
This is how my breakfast was served.  Beaumont does it right!

Then we had to start preparing to go home.  The doctors all came in early to clear baby and I. My meds were filled at the hospital. I still giggle because my male doctor was like you won't even need these right and my female doctor was like make sure you take your meds so you don't feel any pain.   I told him that and he goes, Well I'm a man.  I never had a baby.  I don't know.  But he also told me I should have another child because they would miss me at the office.  Bed rest with 3 now doesn't that sound like fun...

Getting dressed.  Someone was unhappy to be unswaddled.

The newborn outfit my mom got and it barely fit.  I am used to small babies.  This guy surprised us.

Big Sister loves this boy

So does daddy

Slightly jaundice so having some sun

And we're home

I missed that 24 hour phone from the hospital.  At least I had the older kids to get things for me.  So guess it wasn't so bad leaving:)

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