Tuesday, October 25, 2011

21 months of Lila

 Little Miss Lila is 21 months today.

I simply cannot believe that 21 months have passed since Lila came into our lives.

She has the funniest personality with a little wild streak.  By little I mean she is all kinds of crazy!

She is talking so much more now and will have "conversations" with you.  She loves to pretend talk on our cell phones and has been known to call people without my knowledge.  That is what I get for putting pictures on my cell phone!

She is obsessed with ducks, goose, her stinky seal, and Caillou.
She says: ducks, "oose", "ah-pees", Caillou, "mom-me", "dah-dee", "mam-muh", "dew", aunt that, aunt yummy, no-no, oops, uh-oh, thanks, "doh-doh", not yet, "scuse me", night night, hi, bye, love you, lila, "coco", meow, dog, juice, "leebs", up, down, "eep", I, this, baby, yeah, go, shoes, eyes

She still signs, please, more, thank you(sometimes), cookie, all done(sometimes), goose, book, eat and milk

She loves to play outside, read books, cuddle before naps and bedtime, take baths, eat, Brendan, go for walks, mommy and daddy, singing, and dancing
Her favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "I love you", and "Old Macdonald"

She has been testing her limits lately and has gone to time out on more than one ( a lot) occasion.  She has started hitting, kicking, and even biting when she gets mad.  She kicked Jason the other night so I asked her to go tell daddy sorry and she went over, smiled at him, and kicked him again.  The joys of toddlerhood!
She sleeps around 12 hours at night and usually one 2-3 hour nap during the day.  She has been fighting her nap recently and some days doesn't take one.  She has 12 teeth and is working on more!  Lots of drool around here.

Lila, you make us so happy and keep us on our toes!  We love you!


  1. She's got such a cute face! :)

  2. She is adorable! Happy 21 month birthday! :)

  3. My sweet little girl, she makes me smile just looking at her. She always cheers me up when I'm feeling down. Love you Lila

