Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving...

Pinterest!!!!  My sister in law just invited me and I've spent a couple hours pinning already.  It is so fun and I can't wait to try out some of my pins.

I'm loving...the hours of 12:30-3:00pm.  My one year old takes a nap and my son is at kindergarten...almost three hours of "me" time in the afternoon:)  I've been working on a lot of blossoms for two upcoming shows this fall.

I'm loving...these woven ribbon headbands.  I have 7 made and have lots more ribbon and ideas!

I'm loving...College football is here!  I'm a Buckeye and my husband a Wolverine.  Brendan LOVES Go Blue like his daddy and Lila is too young to have an opinion yet;)  Saturdays are fun around here.
Silly faces!!!
What are you loving today???  Link up here and let us know.

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