Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear God

Dear God I am thankful for...

This is how Brendan prays before bed each night and the prayer we say before dinner.  Usually he is thankful for playing with mommy, daddy, and Lila.  He will throw in whatever fun activity he did that day and now since kindergarten has started, he is thankful for that too.

Lila now likes to fold her hands together and say her prayers before naptime and bedtime when we rock in the glider.  Yesterday she was thankful for "mom-ma", "dad-dee", "that (Brendan)", ducks!  This child loves ducks like no other.  She has a giant stuffed duck and two smaller ducks in her bed for rest time and every bird she sees is a "duck."

So this afternoon when we were rocking before nap, her prayers went a little like this...

Me "Lila let's say our prayers, dear god I am thankful for..."

Lila "DUCKS!!!"

Me "Mommy"

Lila "Duck-eee!!!"

Me "Daddy"

Lila "DUCK"

Me "Brendan"


Me "Okay Lila.  You are thankful for ducks"

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