Thursday, September 22, 2011

First homework

Brendan brought home is very first "homework" assignment from school.  He had made a mini-book and he was supposed to read it three times that night and write down who he read it too.  I thought he would be excited to work on his assignment...boy was I wrong.

He yelled, cried, and said, "I want to do my homework at school.  Not at home."

Sorry Brendan...that is kind of what "homework" you do at home.

He is only 5?  How do they know that homework is fun yet?

After his teenage girl fit, he decided he could read to Lila, mommy, and daddy since we are three people.  He read to Lila first.  It was so sweet.  She sat right next to him on the couch, all excited for his gripping story of Time for School.  She also listened again when he read it to me and then once daddy got home from work.

He wrote all of our names on his worksheet and we put the paper back in his bluejays folder to return to school. 

He was then free to choose an activity and surprise surprise...he picked Wii Sports:)  I will  try to have him do his homework when he first gets home.  That is when I did my homework and I think it will be less of a struggle if he knows he has to finish his work before he plays then vice versa. It is easy work now...when he gets to high school math that will have to wait for dad.

One assignment many to go now?

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