Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How we spent our last day

We survived our first morning of kindergarten!!  Brendan was ready to go at 7:30.  Sorry buddy, the bus does not come until 8:05.

Yesterday was his last full day at home so I wanted us to have a fun-filled day of all the things he loves to do.  It turns out he decided to be grouchy, whiny, and pretty unpleasant.  Not fun for anyone.  After some quiet time in his room and a few tears, we moved on and decided to go for a walk around the pond.  We frequent this pond quite a bit.  It has a wide sidewalk (enough room for Brendan, the stroller, and I), a grassy hill (that is perfect for rolling down), a covered picnic area, and lots of ducks, geese, fish, and a snapping turtle.  We go there at least twice a week to feed the ducks, walk, throw rocks, and look for new birds.

Armed with a box of old crackers aka duck food, we hopped into the car for the short drive to the pond.  The weather has turned chilly so we wore sweatshirts and light jackets.  The kids could seriously feed these ducks (and sea gulls) for hours!

The rest of the day was spent being lazy, preparing his school stuff, playing baseball in the backyard, bath time (or a shower for Brendan since he is now grown up), a snack, book, and bed.  I really cherished our "last" trip to the pond.

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