Friday, September 23, 2011

I told you so

"If the satellite hits our house you can say I told you so."

The words were spoken by Jason last night in reference to the soon to be falling out of the sky space debris.

I always worry about silly things I cannot control like airplanes hitting our house and now rogue satellites.  The airplane could totally happen as every day at least 10 planes fly directly over our home en route to our local airport.  They also seem to flying lower and lower each time.  Some nights when they fly over and it is too dark to seem them I pray that they don't come crashing into our house.  So far my prayers have been answered (knock on wood).

So yesterday afternoon while getting onto facebook, I see this status update from our local news station, it says something like, "Watch out!  Satellite headed towards Earth!!"  I immediately remember my very vivid dream from not that long ago.  I panic and send a message to my mom and aunt (who heard about my dream) with the status link.  I then call my mom and see what is going on.  She tells me it will land in the Pacific Ocean somewhere and we are fine.  Later that evening I tell Jason about how my dream was a premonition to what will surely happen and at least we will be together when it hits us.  That is when he told me I can tell him "I told you so" when it hits us and was followed by something like I'm a crazy person and why do I think of stuff like this:)

Why you ask was my dream a premonition to a satellite hitting us???  Well in my very real and life-like dream, Jason and I were driving down a four-lane highway (two lanes on either side) at dusk.  The sky was a brilliant orange color and we noticed people on the side of the road pointing up into the sky.  I say something like, "I wonder what they are looking at?" and we both glance into the fiery sky to see something flying towards us and then BOOM.  Next thing I know is that my body feels pinned down and we are literally zooming to a bright white light.  The end of this bright white light.  The outline of Jesus.  And then I woke up.  In a panic.  Thinking holy crap I just died and saw the bright light.

The good news.  If this falling space debris should hit you.  It will be painless and over before you know what hit you. 

The bad news.  Scientists now don't know exactly where it is going to hit.  They are hopeful to give a two hour warning though.

Happy first day of fall:)

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