Monday, September 26, 2011

The difference between two kids

Sometimes I am astounded at the difference in my two children.  When they are together it is a loud and crazy time.  There is running, tripping, wrestling, screaming, toys flying through the air, laughter, tears, etc...They have fun and can entertain each other.  Perfect!

Since Brendan has started school, I'm finally able to have that one on one time with Lila.  I was a bit nervous at first because it had been so long since Brendan was this age (a year and a half) and all we did together was sports, sports, and more sports.  Lila being the second child never got mommy and daddy all to herself for an extended period of time.  Even her first birthday was shared with Brendan:)  That is what happens when your birthday is 5 days before your brother's!

Now Lila has the attention of mommy from the hours of 7:55am-3:40pm and let me tell you about Lila.  I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.  She is so calm, quiet, and peaceful.  She likes to sit with me on the couch reading book after book and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" over and over again.  It is so quiet in my house.

We've been taking little outings this week to the grocery store, farmer's market, library, and craft stores.  She likes to walk next to me like a big girl and she is so independent.  Yesterday at Michael's she threw a fit because she wanted to carry 8 spools of ribbon for me:)  Not quiet all the time.  When we were at the farmer's market, I had her carry the green pepper for me and she took bites out of it like it was an apple.

Her favorite part of the day, by far, is when we walk to the bus stop.  She loves her big brother so much and gets so excited when she sees the bus pulling up.  Then once we get home, our house is filled with the screaming, yelling, toys flying, and wrestling once again.

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